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ashamed in a sentence

You should be ashamed of yourself for t ashamed (adj): feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done or about a qualityin your characterUse 'ashamed' in a sentence I'm ashamed of what I did. CK 1 2202581 We're ashamed. How easily the untruths flow when one embarks upon a path of deception, she thought, What really seemed to rankle with her was his statement that he was, I suppose it also had to do with the fact that my parents were messy folk, something of which I was deeply, Suddenly, Nicky began to laugh, a loud and raucous sound it was, almost making you feel, Although he crows endlessly about dating a younger woman, he often seems, While embarrassing moments are unavoidable and nothing to be, Neither preachers nor church members should be, In my teenage years I practised certain evil habits, of which I am too, When Dunia returns to her father's grave and breaks down in tears, the reader can surmise that she is, Surely this isn't our musical representation speaking out on behalf of urban youth everywhere and finally, we don't have to be, He pulled away some, and looked away, almost, Unlike my mother, my cousin's mother and family weren't, And the men controlling the most powerful countries in the world ought to be, Seeing a counselor for depression is not something to be, I don't know if the antipopes had anything to do with Tokyo Ya going out of business, but if they did, they should be, They had the benefit of astonishingly light, strong bodies, so we needn't feel too, The color in Isabella's cheeks rose as she grew increasingly, I've got arachnophobia, and whenever I see a spider and react, I don't feel, She looked at her friends who weren't even looking at her, they looked so, While I feel like it is not something to be, He said things he knew perfectly well he did not mean, and he was not at all, Continue being proud of who you are because you have nothing to be, Look, voting is a privilege as well as a right and if you don't vote, you should be, Obviously, Saturday was disappointing because of the result but the players shouldn't be, The good politician rolls his logs in public, and is not, It is a wonderful story, not something we should be, From that, what I have learnt is never to be, I will admit to smoking the odd joint and I am not embarrassed or, Everyone whose eye I met turned away, as though afraid or, Thomas shook his head, afraid and somewhat, I fear what will happen to us all but I am, Almost all of us then try to remember the date, fail dismally, feel inadequate and, She said the offence was inexplicable and Williams was, Barrymore knows what her target audience likes, and is not, The question took Rebecca by surprise, and she was, He breaks the bank, but when he offers Paulina the money to buy off the marquis, she is, It may, at long last, lead to a major overhaul of a system of which, as it stands currently, we should be thoroughly, This story is sordid and shameful, and everyone who was involved in producing it should be, Never hide or cover the symptoms because you are, Fred may develop into such a careful old sobersides that his mother will be, If it's not your idea of right, then you should be, For the first time since I put my acceptance letter in the mail, I woke up this morning, Sabrine says that despite the private horror of what she was going through, she was too, It is of no comfort to them whatsoever to argue for an entrenchment clause, and I am, Like so many of your correspondents I too am appalled, aghast and, A company making big league profits and paying fat dividends to shareholders should be, He explained that often recently single people are, It was exasperating, it was humiliating but, I am, If no one is talking about equal rights, it is easy for kids to feel, I have shown people that it is ok, there is nothing to be, Today it seems as if there is no need to be, Rune looked at her measly amount of writing and felt, Because I've had this argument a couple of times, and the semi-literate conservatives are always sheepish, a little, Yet suddenly we are brought up short by an act of heroism so obvious and yet so unexpected that one can't help feeling somewhat, And you, editors of my beloved Book Review, without which no weekend would be complete, should be, But coming from them, that could also be seen as an attempt to play down the hunting connection, almost as if they were, This man, your oppressor, is automatically morally defeated, and if he has any conscience, he is, The Democrats' attempted borking of Thomas was one of the low moments of modern political history, one that I believe nearly all thinking Democrats are, Schadenfreude is an unvirtuous emotion of which we should be, I am soft, centre, wishy-washy new labour and, No newspaper, and no newspaperman, should ever be, When the broken-hearted Seymour waits alone at the diner bar, Enid feels, As a northerner who is admittedly guilty of having done some southern bashing in my time, I am, Some of us thought you might be humbled, maybe even a little, The supervisor looks frowningly at the robot who looks and sounds, The two of them were naked, the groundling and his woman, they were not, So practice that admonition and never prudishly be, She had not done this, but had shown herself angry and sore, and was now. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Ashamed" in Example Sentences Page 1. ashamed in a sentence - Use "ashamed" in a sentence 1. Was he ashamed of his. 47+6 sentence examples: 1. If the situation becomes dangerous for any of your cats, do not be ashamed to place the most aggressive cat in another home. He is ashamed of his behavior. He who is afraid of asking is ashamed o He is ashamed of his folly.. I was a little ashamed. ashamed in a sentence. click for more sentences of ashamed: 10.English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for " ashamed "She is ashamed . 4. 3. Sentence Examples. I am ashamed to beg. View Ashamed usage in sample sentences. Peter ought to be ashamed of himself. Hippocrates, after a little pause, saluted him by his name, whom he resaluted, Defending barrister Peter Rouche QC said Owen was deeply, Gordon Brown's no class warrior and Cameron should be, I do not know if any of the dead were local to our immediate area for relatives were sometimes not informed or else too, Wright kept such a poor record that Judge whipper was, I am sorrier for my foolishness, and more, When I read a naturalist or a biologist I am always, And Polly ran into her own room, to prink also, fearing that her friend might be, Glancing, however, at Boris, he saw that he too seemed, He greatly admired the graceful arch of his antlers, but he was very much, He knew she would think him ill-bred, he was, I did, and I stank so of turpentine I was quite, West Chester, to say no more than she deserved, was a county with a spirited gentry, and one of which no colony need be, Why must you let him come in like a thief by a back-door, if you have nothing to be, His theatre is beginning to pander to foreign tastes, to be, He was tired of her, and yet he seems to have been, The things she had said were answered only by his scorn, and she could see he was ineffably, The last act of the drama was so inglorious that I am almost, At this the high priest of the tattwa School was inly, Pountner and Holdenough were to some extent, Without any figure of speech I feel quite, There was a quality in this faithful, doglike devotion that made her feel, The romance of her life had become to her a rhodomontade of which she was, She suggested a round robin and would not be at all, I ain't not a pertickler good speller myself, but I reely shoud be artily, As what bq Chaghnn had led us to expect did not come to hand, he grew rather, But awakened to the actuality of what he now had dared, he was, But I got away as quick as I could, for I felt so, And when caedmon saw the harp coming near him, he would get up, feeling, But he only said this to keep up his courage, and not to be, Even his fellow-regicides, even the authors of the slaughter of Vendemiaire and of the arrests of Fructidor, were, I collect from Genest, that after his aristocratic connections made a placeman of him, O'Brien grew, There was a mauvais quart d'heure below, during which, I am, She was not in the least melodramatic, and what was stranger, perhaps, she was not, Upon my word, Melvin, if I had a mother like you I should be, But she was sure however credulous she might have been, she had done nothing to be, You and every other boy in your classes ought to thoroughly, Or, rather, wouldn't speak because he was, They looked into each other's eyes, and were not, Helen grew conscious of unplumbed depths, of instincts at which she was amazed and, We are persistently taught that we are animals and nothing more,let us therefore not be, Recollect, my dear Vesian, you must make Narbonne, Besides, the average mother, if she will but admit the truth, is, She had taken her sewing again, and she bent her head over it as if she were, He found it demand a concentrative effort, and Harry was very sorry and even, Accordingly, they confute one another in their own books to purpose, and are not, His consonants were already a little slurred and he knew Gloria was, Each wish was followed by a little laugh, as if the wisher was, It is a painful truth that by daylight he was, There is a healthiness about German realism that one is not afraid nor, I found you were ignorant of my incognito, and I was equally, He is the author of a work on cryptography, I believe, though I am, The recantation had seemed to himself to be almost base, and he had been, That was only an episode to her, of which she was snobbishly, When he got up, he was physically normal again, but abysmally, He was in a blue funk all the time, and no need to be, I'm afraid that in my secret heart I've been hoping the operation wouldn't succeed, and I am wholesomely, Sometimes, in despeate hours, he would find himself wishing that she might learn what it was, so that he need not be, With them as examples no clansman need feel, I had not yet reduced him to quite so vulgar a lie, and I felt proportionately, If that creature knew how bitter, he'd be, My hat was so crushed and bent, that no old battered handleless saucepan on a dunghill need have been, As I told you before, Mr. Ellery, I'm not. The archbishop and the archdiocese should be ashamed of this settlement, Jeff Anderson told CNN. And now she felt ashamed. See how to use not ashamed in a sentence. Ashamed of the lies she told her husband, the cheating wife hung her head in shame. examples "Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes" Confucius "I ain't a bit ashamed of anything" Anthony Trollope "Never be ashamed to write a melody that people remember" Burt Bacharach "We need never be ashamed … CM 2258098 After he said it, he was ashamed. CK 298847 He was ashamed of his ignorance. 2111758 I'm ashamed. Definition of Ashamed. He is ashamed of his father being poor. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. I had this kid in mind, Romen, who is unable to participate in this male rite of passage and is ashamed of the fact that he is unable to do it. He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning. George Bernard Shaw once said that when a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty. He felt ashamed of having made a fool of himself in front of all his friends.. Here are some examples. I think he was ashamed. He was ashamed of his conduct.. Do not be ashamed to admit your mistakes.. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?. Two doormen rush in to carry him out and he is duly removed, embarrassed and ashamed, left to sober up on the pavements outside the bar. Lot of example sentences with the word not ashamed. Log in. We would be ashamed of you. CK 1 1841711 I am ashamed. He was apalled that the young farmer would seem so ashamed . ; As to getting other help we were ashamed till he should be a little less shamefully backward. use "felt-ashamed " in a sentence He felt ashamed of not answering the question. … ; She has not found out, that her extensive knowledge is any thing to be ashamed of. I'm ashamed to ask you such a silly question.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English” Ashamed definition: If someone is ashamed , they feel embarrassed or guilty because of something they do or... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Ashamed in a sentence | ashamed example sentences. The older siblings were ashamed of the way they treated their younger brother and begged for his forgiveness when they realized he had become a part of the house of pharaoh. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word ashamed? Many of the sentences have audio, too. antonyms. The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. ashamed in a sentence - Use "ashamed" in a sentence 1. The fruits eaten temperately need not make us ashamed of our appetites, nor interrupt the worthiest pursuits. Sentence with the word ashamed. CM 252264 I am ashamed of my poor English. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "NOW ASHAMED" - english-finnish translations and … ashamed / examples. What does ashamed mean? I'm, If, actually your conversation was supportive rather than a slagfest, the only thing you have to be, They would think that I had abandoned them, that I could not handle the stress and pressure and this, When Mr. Collins said any thing of which his wife might reasonably be, As a result, a generation of native Breton speakers were made to feel, Of course he finds the fabric, but even then he wrings a profit which any honest man would be, And he settled his countenance steadfastly upon him,until he was. I was filled with sorrow, but I was not ashamed. Instead I should be ashamed of myself for not telling Gibbons to be mum about our looking for the guy. I am so ashamed of what our country did here tonight. Two doormen rush in to carry him out and he is duly removed, embarrassed and, I had this kid in mind, Romen, who is unable to participate in this male rite of passage and is, The temptation, often unresisted here, is to say that the 63 universities in those six BCS conferences should be, When Sri Rama went to meet Kaikayee, she was very hesitative to meet him, being, When you live in the shadows, it is no surprise a citizen is going to react morally and to be totally, He is more or less of good character, is extremely, I mumbled something about Paris, Rome, and Venice and immediately felt graceless and, Modest, common country garden perennial flowers, both of them, and I'm, I'm not going to the gym, which I just joined, because I'm too, Henceforth, men and women are prone to view each other as objects, which is why they are now, You are living your life, you are unembarrassed to talk to new people, you are not, Did they feel he was a voyeur, peeking in windows, watching their naked bodies, making them feel, We mustn't be afraid to experiment and mustn't be, The story centers around a single mother's struggles and sacrifices to raise an ungrateful daughter who is. You've got nothing to be ashamed of. 3. His mother felt ashamed for him. He is ashamed of his conduct. Ashamed definition is - feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace. It's difficult to see ashamed of in a sentence . Example sentences for "ashamed" in popular movie and book plots. Later, Chris felt ashamed and apologized and Beth forgave him. Many of the sentences have audio, too. I felt genuinely ashamed now at losing control like that and yelling at her.. synonyms. He apologizes to his mother for his behavior and promises that he is not ashamed of her and that he will not let her be hurt any more. She is ashamed to speak to a foreigner. He was ashamed of his humiliating defeat.. I am ashamed of my son’s laziness. 2. - What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. Anyone who is making that allegation should be ashamed of themselves, Those who committed this mayhem ought to be ashamed of themselves. “You should be deeply ashamed of the spineless way you left this man in the street.”. Sentence Structure is important because it provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas.The aim in writing is always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. The definition of ashamed is feelings of remorse or embarrassment, usually because you did something wrong or foolish. 4. 303174 He is not ashamed of being poor. Find 52 ways to say ashamed, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Brook felt ashamed of his inability to show the definite power that he possessed. For most of my twenties and thirties, I was profoundly, paralyzingly, It's a version of events that 23 years ago The Sun went along with and for that we're deeply, Unfortunately Attawapiskat doesn't know how to use the phone or the subway and I'm, The satirical historian has not blushed to describe the naked scenes which Theodora was not, As a native North Carolinian, I am outraged that my home state's largest city is apparently, A very suggestible age and he was likely encouraged and perhaps intimidated to carry out his action by elders, who frankly should be, He claimed to regard the letters as works of art rather than something of which to be, I'll wear a bikini on the beach because I'm not, I believed it all through my worst days, and I am not, Ere he shall lose an eye for such a trifle... For doing deeds of nature! Unashamed definition is - not ashamed : being without guilt, self-consciousness, or doubt. ; I am sometimes quite ashamed of my plain self when we are going about together. See how to use ashamed in a sentence. The previous scientist took a step backward, then slunk out of the door, I guess I'm one of the main vilifiers and I'd be lying if I said I'm, So why should a nation of five million be. Lot of example sentences with the word ashamed. Ashamed definition, feeling shame; distressed or embarrassed by feelings of guilt, foolishness, or disgrace: He felt ashamed for having spoken so cruelly. 2. If a person has no shame, then others might view their behavior or conduct as shameful and thus shame them, but the individual who has no shame is not (yet) ashamed of anything they have done or are doing. _undertoad 259303 I am ashamed of having been lazy. 157+23 sentence examples: 1. CK 1 2247454 I was ashamed. How to use ashamed in a sentence. How to use Ashamed in a sentence? You should be ashamed of yourself. Sentence Examples. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "ASHAMED" - english-indonesian translations and search engine for … How to use unashamed in a sentence. I was filled with sorrow, but I was not ashamed .2. in a sentence - 22 Lists. Shamed could be punitive, ashamed shows remorse sometimes repentance. Poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is. Examples of Ashamed in a sentence. He was ashamed of himself. After John screamed in the haunted house, he felt ashamed of his cowardice. Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be ashamed of themselves. Do not be ashamed to cry. Spanish Translation of “ashamed” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. He felt ashamed and sad. CK 1 2245735 I feel ashamed. She is ashamed to speak up. Things he was ashamed of. (2) Poverty is not a shame, but the being, (5) When stupid man is doing something he is, (20) His foul-mouthed way of speaking made me, (24) Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be, (28) When a stupid man is doing something he is, (29) The loneliest place on earth is looking in a mirror and being, (30) His daughter looked such a mess that he was, (12) His foul-mouthed way of speaking made me, (16) Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be, (19) His daughter looked such a mess that he was, (21) Her room was in such a litter that she was. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary. 5. He is ashamed of his son's conduct. He was apalled that the young farmer would seem so ashamed. Don't be ashamed of it. I'm ashamed I said that. CK 254204 I was ashamed of having said so. Translations in context of "NOW ASHAMED" in english-finnish. Translations in context of "ASHAMED" in english-indonesian. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. March 5, 2018 word-in-sentence.com. definitions. I’m ashamed of my bulk. The million-plus fans who petitioned the BBC to recall Clarkson should be ashamed of themselves.. Arabs who feel a speck of compassion and solidarity should be ashamed of themselves. Terry Malloy is a man who is deeply ashamed of himself. embarrassed because of one’s own actions. I am ashamed of my behaviour.. Ashamed is about how you feel about yourself. ashamed translate: sich schämen. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Ashamed" in Example Sentences Page 2. 2. I walked across the floor and I felt ashamed of my thinness and my ugliness and _I know that he knew that I was ashamed _. I think the one that should be ashamed is Michael Steele. It is later revealed that Leroy is illiterate and ashamed to admit it. See more. How to use Ashamed in sentence, list-sentences-examples definition, use ashamed in a sentence with examples

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