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The Donald claims to love and revere the Bible, but couldn’t name a favorite book, chapter or verse. The Bible says a man cannot serve two masters: if he loves money, he will hate God. Satan. And the Bible contains a 666-related verse in which Jesus called the Antichrist who kept trying to kill him here on earth a fox! One reason is that the richest Americans are dodging federal taxes. (6) Donald Trump inherited his grandmother’s real estate empire when she died on June 6, 1966 = 6-6-6. First, “religion” has nothing to do with it. (8) On the Ides of March, the day Rome changed from a republic to a dictatorship, Trump had 666 delegates. We’re not prepared and it’s someone else’s fault! I don’t take responsibility at all! We’re doing a great job! We shut it down! It will just go away, like a miracle! Trump is being supported by the KKK, skinheads and white supremacists. How can Christians be surprised that Trump’s connections to Russia and godless communism are proving to be all too real? The participants were Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian military intelligence agent whose nickname was “Kostya, the guy from the GRU.” The three men met in secret and left by different doors. The Scofield Reference Bible has become an idolatrous object of worship for many so-called Christians in the USA. Eerily, the letters in “Fox” add up to 666 several different ways. Where does the Bible ever say that children should be despised, rejected and taken from their mothers just because they’re poor and have no good options? “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. Biblioteca personale Perkins said that Trump’s mistake “shows that he’s not familiar with Bible.” Trump called the Bible his favorite book in August 2015, but then refused to name his favorite verse when asked repeatedly in an interview on Bloomberg’s “With All Due Respect.” Trump said that he likes the Old Testament and New Testament equally, obviously not understanding how the latter supersedes the former for Christians. No, Jesus Christ would not have been deceived by a man like Trump. Literally, Trump’s pale face coated in yellow-orange bronzer looks like honey poured over milk. Chauvinist: he will have “no regard for the desire of women” [Daniel 11:37] perhaps meaning their desire to be treated decently and humanely Military Leader: a conqueror whose only “god” is force [Daniel 11:38] (Trump claims to be the most militaristic person on the planet) False God: He will be worshipped by many people [Rev. Putin has even made it illegal for Russian Christians to share their faith in their own homes! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In the ever-escalating madness of Donald Trump, he claims to be more concerned about nuclear proliferation than anything else, then talks idly about using nukes and letting more countries acquire them, including Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia. Is this the face of a man we can trust, or is this a Deceiver: a con man, a snake oil salesman, a shaman? Trump lies to create fear, because fear sells. Their Human Embryo Tests used by Chinese Geneticist Convicted for Genetic Manipulation, A totally bizarre interview with Lindsey Graham on Trump and party future. Can any real Christian believe that Jesus would advocate building a wall to force refugee children and their mothers back into the desert? Lord!” would be turned away along with the goats, being told: “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity!“ The Bible makes the judgement of followers of the Antichrist and the False Prophet very clear in Revelation 14:10 — They “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation” and they will be “tormented with fire and brimstone.” That’s the highest price imaginable to pay for supporting a man who is the antithesis of Christ, and thus by definition an Antichrist. Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump paid $1.8 billion for the building, which is 6+6+6 billion. On the Ides of March, he had 666 delegates (image below). Casting a shadow over everything is the city's largest company, Avalon, which insinuates itself into every aspect of contemporary life to sell its primary export, youth and beauty. The most expensive single building in the U.S. was purchased by the Trump family, through Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. If there are no accidents with God, what is God trying to tell us? On October 28, 2016 the FiveThirtyEight website had Trump with a 66.6 percent chance of winning the election in Utah, the citadel of Mormonism. As an example of how dangerously unhinged Trump is, he told the New York Times that “the president can’t have a conflict of interest.” That sounds like Richard Nixon saying “I am not a crook” and telling David Frost that “when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” Kings were once above the law of the land, but the American Founding Fathers fought a war against such tyranny. “Apologizing is a great thing. Donald Trump said that he should be called “Mr. Trump says that he will be “neutral” on Israel, and he says that Saudi Arabia, with its hard-line rejection of Israel, should be allowed to obtain nukes, even though most of the 9-11 attackers were Saudis. During the debates, Trump said the minimum wage cannot be raised because American wages are too high already. But it also has connotations of trickery; for instance: “trumped-up charges.” Donald Trump’s middle name is John, which means “God is gracious.” So an interpretation of Trump’s full name is: “A proud world ruler who, after God has been gracious, will attempt to upstage and outrank Christ, using trickery.” Thus, Trump’s name may be considered a prophecy―one that coincides with the many 666 connections and the ancient prophets’ warnings about a “little horn” and the “Trump of Doom.” Trump goes to church for Easter and Christmas. Did Nostradamus predict Donald Trump as a modern-day Antichrist when he spoke of “the false trumpet concealing madness” that will change money and standards? Should they be allowed to run without releasing their federal tax returns? The information above is confirmed by the website of the Kushner Companies, on the 666 Fifth Avenue link. The Bible seems to describe nuclear weapons striking Israel in the last days. [1][2] It is now the most visited English-language newspaper website in the world,[3] with over 11.34m visitors daily in August 2014. Lucent has technologies called Inferno, Styx and Limbo. Is it “Christian” for a nation to turn its back on completely innocent refugee children and their mothers? The terms “trump” and “fox” both have connotations of trickery and deception. As reported by The New York Times, the Trump family paid $1.8 billion for the most expensive American building (18 = 3*6 = 666), which is owned through Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. Trump used his fraudulent wall to get elected president, knowing Mexico would never pay for it. He could simply expose a hoax; there would be no need to shut it down. He brags about being rich and not paying federal taxes, when Jesus told the parable of the camel and the needle’s eye, and clearly said that Christians should pay their taxes. You can do anything … Grab them by the pussy.”―Donald Trump is winning the votes of Christians, with comments like these? It seems Tubal, Thobel, Tabal, Tabali, Tubla, Tuplai, Tibareni and similar names all refer to the same people: they were a fair-haired Iberian tribe who crossed the Caucasus Mountains (the first Caucasians), then ended up settling around the Caspian Sea and Black Sea regions, including Crimea. Donald Trump is now ahead of Hillary Clinton in the polls. both operating their construction companies while in the White House! What does the Bible say will be the forEVER END of antichrists like Trump and their followers? Well, his father was arrested at a KKK rally and the KKK is also virulently anti-Jewish. But we still can’t switch to another channel.” To his surprise, the word count was 666. Simon Magus was an occult enemy of early Christianity who loved money and power. (8) Trump’s fearmongering comments about “rapists” and “drug dealers” vaulted him to the top of the polls on June 6, 2015 = 6+6+(1+5) = 666. The article said that when the MailOnline is called out for stealing content, it will sometime removes the text in question without acknowledging or apologising for the problem. The number 666 denotes arrogance, pride, egotism, the love of money and power, and militarism: all things Donald Trump brags about as if such things are virtues. There are more snakelike sixes in the branches and leaves. “The masculine woman will exert herself to the north. When Trump arrogantly held a rally in Tulsa, Kevin Stitt became the first American governor to contract the coronavirus and Herman Cain died from the disease shortly thereafter. VT Editors is a General Posting account managed by, Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services. Iran goes after European chemical weapons mass murderers, Greg Palast on the pizza vote buying scandal in Georgia, How To Increase Higher Education Enrolment, Jurgen Klopp considers handing Ben Davies and Ozan Kabak debut game against LeicesterÂ, The Forgotten Man: Meet The Grandfather of Rock N’ Roll, Capitol Hill police officer breaks his silence after attempted siege. [3] These create over 750 articles per day,[3] the editorial stance of which broadly reflects that of the Daily Mail, being to the right wing of mainstream British politics and typically supporting the UK Conservative Party. How can we explain the GOP’s failure to reject Trump? Do we really want more nations with nukes? When Trump’s self-appointed protector, Attorney General William Barr, refused to release the full Mueller Report to the American people and instead issued only a very brief four-page summation, an immediate question was: “How long is the real report?” According to Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler the real Mueller Report was “very substantial” but under 1,000 pages, so on the Lawrence O’Donnell show the number of pages was displayed as 999 with a question mark. Did Nostradamus Predict Trump 500 Years Ago? “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.” Trump apparently never read Jesus’s parable about the rich man, the camel, and the eye of the needle. Trump has professed his love for Kim Jong-un, a man who relentlessly persecutes Christians because they refuse to join his cult and worship him. Trump starred in a “Motel 666” segment of Celebrity Apprentice. False Flag Weekly News: YouTube Doesn’t Want You to Watch This! Also, as explained in detail later on this page the infamous Trump Tower meeting was arranged on June 6, 2016 = 6-6-6, as documented by emails between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone (who was acting as an agent for the “Crown prosecutor of Russia”). Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. But he also claimed there was “very profound” information that the Saudis were involved in the 9-11 attacks, referring to a 9-11 Commission report that was classified at the time. It includes the principal University library – the Bodleian Library – which has been a legal deposit library for 400 years; as well as 30 libraries across Oxford including major research libraries and faculty, department and institute libraries. And what about the disturbing parallels between Donald Trump and Damien Thorn of the OMEN movies: the DT initials, both with six letters in each name, both Damien and Donald mean “one who rules/subdues,” both fabulously rich via inheritances, both entitled pricks, both depraved, both liars speaking “great things” and blasphemies, both attending military academies, both with vast international business enterprises, both rising to political power by deceiving the masses, both buying real estate all over the globe, both ignoring conflicts of interest once in power, both operating their construction companies while in the White House!, both lacking human compassion and morality, both lacking any regard for God … and of course their many connections to the number 666! In the first book of the Bible that describes the Antichrist, Daniel 7:8 warns us about a “little horn” that speaks “boastfully” of “great things.” Trump speaks boastfully of making America “great” again, while presenting a completely negative, reverse image of Christ. Don’t American voters have the right to know that the commander-in-chief paid his fair share of the taxes that pay our soldiers and protect their lives? Now it seems that Trump hasn’t paid federal taxes in decades, which he bragged makes him “smart.” But those taxes pay for the food, clothing, safety and medical care of American soldiers who, unlike Trump, are willing to fight for their country. Is the coronavirus a judgment on Americans for electing a president who is the exact opposite of Jesus Christ in every way, and therefore the definition of an Antichrist? Trump lies constantly. Elizabeth means “vow” so her name literally means “Vow for Christ to be Trumped.” (7) Donald Trump’s name equates to 666 in Jewish gematria, English gematria, and ASCII computer code. (Trump’s campaign director Roger Stone tweeted that he wanted to “puke” when he saw Trump bow down to accept the gilded collar from the king of the nation that spawned the 9-11 attackers. And please keep in mind that Kush, the son of Ham who was cursed by God, was the founder of Babylon. How can any true Christian support and vote for a man who is―in so many ways―the antithesis of Jesus Christ? Hitler was the most militaristic person of his time; Trump calls himself the most militaristic person on the planet. As reported by nj.com, the Trump family is also in the process of building a $666 million tower at One Journal Square. Gucci is the Trump Tower’s largest tenant. Just let them have nukes to defend themselves, he says. He gave me a DVD to watch, ‘Donald Trump Speaks,’ a 20-minute interview where the Donald held forth on the promise of his new venture: ‘Action is what Trump University is all about. And, for all the things people have said about me over the years, I should be able to spot Dangerously Unhinged.―Glenn Beck. The name Donald means: World Ruler, Great Chief, Proud Chief. Donald Trump is as far from Jesus Christ as a man can be, and yet Christian leaders are embracing him! The Trump coat of arms was quite obviously copied from the Davies family coat of arms (on the left). The Charlottesville neo-Nazis were “obsessed” with Jews, according to reporters. That’s a helluva lot of sixes! The 666 building appears in the movies Exorcist II: The Heretic and The Wolf of Wall Street. Just months after he married his third and current wife, Melania, Trump was recorded discussing his attempts to seduce a woman who he admitted was married. [60], In March 2014, MailOnline Sports was named Laureus Sports Website of the Year at the 2014 Sports Journalist Association awards. Pig’s blood is used in Satanic rituals so it’s no surprise that Trump wants to wallow in it. Trump has also advocated removing American troops from Japan and South Korea. To see how Trump fulfills Biblical prophecies, just click the hyperlink. Trump tweeted that Barack Obama had his “wires tapped.” But it never happened. Just let other nations have nukes, he says. “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”―Donald Trump, who apparently never read Jesus’s parable about the rich man, the camel, and the eye of the needle “The point is, you can never be too greedy.”―Donald Trump is so much wiser than the God of the Bible, who rebuked greed. In fact, in an interview on the Howard Stern show in 2002, when Stern asked Trump if the U.S. should invade Iraq, Trump answered “Yeah, I guess so.” You can find the interview on YouTube and via Google. Trump mis-cited “Second Corinthians” as “Two Corinthians” at Liberty University after a verse was provided to him by Tony Perkins. "[69], "How 'Journalism Crack' Conquered the Internet", "DMGT, News Int Merge Sales Teams, Bromley To Lead Mail Online", "MailOnline and the next page for the 'sidebar of shame, "Newspaper ABCs: Digital figures for August 2014", "Don't trust Daily Mail website, Microsoft browser warns users", "Mail Online web browser warning reversed", "Mail Online to launch in Australia with Mi9", "The shocking thing about the Mail Online's sidebar of shame", "George Clooney rejects Daily Mail apology, calling it 'worst kind of tabloid, Mail Online on verge of reaching 200 million monthly visitors in December, Mail Online soars to biggest ever traffic total with 129m unique browsers worldwide, "Newspaper ABCs: Digital statistics for January 2014", "MailOnline overtakes Huffington Post to become world's no 2", comScore Innovates to Deliver Single Metric for Global Multi-Platform Audiences, "Mail Online to switch to .com domain name", "News.com.au regains top spot as most read website, Mail Online now in eighth position", "DMGT suffers further software headaches", "Princess Beatrice makes waves in £15 bikini and stylish kaftan as she hits the beach in St Tropez with boyfriend Dave Clark", "MailOnline: what is the secret of its success? In Exorcist II: The Heretic a sleepwalking Regan risks death atop the 666 building. When Trump talks about “being a Christian” it is always about himself and what he does. Such things are explained in detail on this page. If so, I have yet to hear it. The Ides of March marked a turning point in Roman history, as the Roman Republic became a Roman Empire ruled by a succession of dictators. Does she represent Ronald Reagan followers who chose to follow Trump despite the obvious danger? The Wolf of Wall Street opens in the Top of the Sixes (666), a penthouse restaurant, and the movie about “rampant corruption and fraud” uses the f-word a record 569 times. Should Christians support someone who supports Nazis? Who but the Antichrist would claim to be a Christian while ridiculing the core beliefs of Christianity? “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” ―Donald Trump devalues women to their breasts and buttocks “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”―Donald Trump is supremely confident that Christians will vote for him, no matter what he does! But he is false prophet whose “predictions” were made after the fact, when the results were known to the whole world. The first beast worked tirelessly to make the dollar the world’s reserve currency, to build a vast military, and finally, in the aftermath of 9/11, to overthrow the constitution and the rule of law and consolidate power in the executive branch. Should we be surprised that his family controls the building at 666 Fifth Avenue? Is he not aware that the Saudi royal family has been funding and evangelizing an extremist version of Islam? There was an eclipse to end all eclipses. In Washington DC the greatest eclipse occurred at 12:12 am = 6666. The Top Ten Reasons Trump is Anti (Against) Christ. Trump is an inveterate liar and his lawyers know that he lies constantly. And who has ever been more hypocritical or a bigger liar than Donald Trump? When Trump decided to change the name of his Trump SoHo tower, he chose The Dominick, which means THE Lord and Master. A total lunar eclipse is known as a “blood moon.” The Bible prophesies that the moon will turn to blood before “the great and terrible day of the LORD.”. he may be the “false prophet” (aka “son of perdition” aka “man of sin”). [22] It is estimated that 25% of the traffic received by the website is purely to access the entertainment and gossip stories. Now, if you take a map and draw a straight line north of Israel, the first land you’ll reach past the Black Sea is Crimea, and if you keep going north you’ll end up in Moscow! The 666 tower was bought by Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. Kush was the patriarch of Babylon, the son of the cursed Ham, and the father of Nimrod who created of the Tower of Babel. There are details on this page. Conservative Christians were ready to impeach Bill Clinton for having consensual sex with Monica Lewinsky, who flashed her thong at him and invited his advances. Donald Trump has been given plenteous free air time by the Fox network, and the letters in “Fox” (6+15+24) form another 666. Trump first made his racist remarks about Hispanic immigrants on June 6, 2015 = 6 + 6 + (1+5) = 6-6-6. Cirque du Soleil’s International Headquarters (IHQ), located in Montreal, is the unique world-class creative laboratory where creators from all disciplines and hailing from the four corners of the world gather to collaborate on various creative projects.Because of its role as a catalyst in bringing talent together, Cirque du Soleil is able to continually renew itself. Men like Hitler do not stop when their initial victims have been vanquished; their lust for money, fame, power and glory is never sated. In her video, Klum wears a t-shirt inscribed with the number 9.99. Their revolutionary idea was that a government and its leaders must be held accountable to “we the people.” In his mind, Trump is apparently above the law and can do anything he pleases, just as he could ogle teenage girls in their dressing rooms, grope women without their consent, and use “eminent domain” to steal an elderly widow’s house. Trump then: He blasted Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton for cozying up to Goldman Sachs financiers, claiming that other candidates were “owned” by bankers who made them their political “slaves.”. He seems to be growing crazier by the minute. According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a lawless man who dictates to everyone else. Furthermore, the Trump’s other New York City properties form a pentagram around the 666 centerpiece! The D-Day and Doomsday Connection. Mnuchin was a Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager who became the principal owner and CEO of OneWest Bank. MailOnline is a division of dmg media, which is owned by Daily Mail and General Trust plc. This was reported today in The Washington Post, and 2,000 years ago in the Book of Revelation.―Conan O’Brien. Her name was Elizabeth Christ Trump. Trump is a showman, a flim-flam man, a confidence man. What does your gut tell you? Did Nostradamus see and predict the same thing? Hell, even Sarah Palin admits that Donald Trump isn’t very “Christian-y.”. Trending Politics, by Clayton Keirns Original Article. Why? 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