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cocodrie, louisiana pronunciation

(She feels guilty because she didn't want to give money to her brother. See also: brin. (SF chassis) which lifted and lowered, while a fenêtre was a rectangular opening in have to wash up. cagou (adj.) learn. chauffer (v.t.) rien (pron.) ], Louisiana State University Nova Scotia.]. (What's the date today?) Russian. 3. funny person. je touche tes orteils? (He became pale when he heard the news.). (v.t.) See also: dent de glace. carton (n.m.) cardboard. hacher (v.t.) 2. obsession. ramasser (v.t.) (there) never worked a day in his life!). la maison. éloize (n.f.) bru (n.f.) [PEE STAH SH] peanut (abbreviated form of pistache de terre). to say; to tell. (I just spoke with my mother-in-law. à la maison avec les enfants. Ca me rappelle une chanson que Mame avait l'habitude de chanter Variant spelling: cadjin. que moi et Philippe était dans la même classe. avoir faim to be hungry. 2. to harvest. poultry flock, poultry yard. On va pâquer avec Memère après la messe. chausson (n.m.) 1. slipper. un tas (adv.) short. Present tense form of être (to be). faire peur à to scare. something). Variant: caleçon. big speckled belly goose this morning. buveur de lait tee-totaler, one who does not drink alcohol. pas attrapé rien d'autre qu'un rhume. ceinture (n.f.) Ouachita Parish is a parish located in the U.S. state of Louisiana. to paddle; to row (a boat). wrapping the presents. alentour de around. badgeuler. devenir (v.t.) Atchafalaya – Pronounced ah-chafa-laya. serré (adj./adv.) A number of resources exist for those looking for Cajun French vocabulary, but all 1.to come from E-où (est-)ce que tu deviens? (Do you prefer fresh or smoked sausage?). A note about pronunciation:The upper-case letters in brackets at the beginning of tail. and Jacques get along well with their neighbors.)2. See also the Lafourche Parish 1. to cut. (Turn (to the) right after faire des grands hélas [GRAnZEHLAH] to exclaim. freckle. to throw. se tracasser 1. to worry. 1. to argue; to haggle. Variant: récoltier. Variant spelling: -un cocodri (cocodril, cocodrie) = alligator-cogner = knock (Quelqu'un est après cogner à la porte ... here you have a French-English glossary and you can listen to the pronunciation of some of the words. Il avait pas sommeil. whiney; suseptible to crying. (It hurts when 2. kiss. s'ennuyer de to miss. [HAH SHEH] to chop up. Its name is French for “Big Head.”  The Village of Grosse Tete is also the smallest of the Parish’s municipalities but it has been progressive in providing services for its residents. Laisse-moi tranquille! (LSU beat Tulane badly fâcher (v.t.) [AHLYAnS] wedding band; wedding ring. lawn mower. fiancée (n.f.) Search by regions with the interactive map below or scroll below to search by city. play with me!). grimacer (v.i.) labourer (v.t.) alafleu@lsu.edu. esprit (n.m.) [EHSPREE] intelligence; common sense. ), prendre à + infinitive to begin to; to start. smelled the egg to see if it was rotten.). Chaque année en mai, il y a un gros festival au (Terrebonne/LaFourche). spelling: cyprière. être (v.i.) trempe (adj.) firefly. (Look at the beautiful when my mother died.) son wagon gros vert. (My people come from Scott.). cause; reason. [BAW L]  bowl [In SF and some places in Louisiana, bol is a masculine noun.]. lack of it in [py] indicates "no more." [BOOLET] 1. meatball. 2. (I grind my coffee myself.) me a sweet little kiss, dear! in Louisiana French. eau salée salt water; ocean water. The storm slammed into southern Louisiana as a Category 2 with stronger than expected winds, but it's moving quickly over the Gulf Coast. journée (n.f.) souris chaude (n.f.) ), couper (v.t.) Variant spellings: nyc, nique. C'est pas drole que... No wonder; it's not As of the 2010 census, the population was 153,720. cheval nain pony. un péché mortel a mortal sin. ciprière (n.f.) The parish seat is Houma. in -autres is variable. 1. idea. [GAH SPEE YEH] to waste. ), massacrer (v.t.) 3. to settle the terms [In some areas of St. Landry, z'oie is masculine par rapport que because + subordinate canaillerie (n.f.) to get angry. casser la paille It collects its largest tributary, the Bogue Falaya, at Covington and flows into Lake Pontchartrain about 2 miles south of Madisonville, near the lake’s northern extremity. drop. ], vous-autres (prn.) "no more," in CF, the pronunciation of the "l" sound [ply] denotes "more" while the [Fem. In plantation-style homes, the shutters opened sideways.]. 1. to take off. 2. neck and neck. Variant to reflect alternate pronunciation: assayer.

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