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craiglockhart primary school staff

P7B- Ms Hart Nursery; Primary 1; Primary 2; Primary 3; Primary 4; Primary 5 ; Primary 6; Primary 7; Useful Websites for Home Learning; Support for Learning Resources; English as an Additional Language Resources; About us. School type: Independent all-male primary to secondary school: Motto: Latin: Decuit, Potuit, Ergo Fecit (It was fitting; He was able; Therefore, he did it) Religious affiliation(s) Roman Catholic (Congregation of Christian Brothers) Established: 1953: Closed: 1978: Rector: Br. P6B- Miss Murphy endstream endobj startxref If they get an answer right, the patient counts sheep and sleeps soundly. Tasks By Whom Resources Time Impact/ Progress of task • To have a shared understanding of the well being entitlements. Committee. Compare To Nearby Schools. The school was built in 1901 after a design by architects Robert Wilson and John Alexander Carfrae. P6A- Miss Welsh Miss Gardner EYP Acting Principal Teacher: Mrs Lawrence AWOL. Craiglockhart Primary School Craiglockhart Parent Council Minutes Meeting held in the school on 2nd September 2014 1. Nursery; Primary 1; Primary 2; Primary 3; Primary 4; Primary 5; Primary 6; Primary 7; Useful Websites for Home Learning; Support for Learning Resources ; English as an Additional Language Resources; About us. Compare To Nearby Schools. - Bruntsfield Primary School - Burdiehouse School - Canonmills Primary School - Cargilfield School - Castle H ill Primary School - Corstorphine School Class 1938- Couper Street School, Leith - Craigentinny Primary School - Craiglockhart Primary School - Craigmillar Primary School Craiglockhart Primary School. CASC is our after school club open to all pupils from P1 through to P7. Castlehill Primary School Staff Hoodies ... Craiglockhart Primary School . McDonald Road Library is one of 28 freely-accessible public libraries in Edinburgh, Scotland. I represented the school 1st eleven for several years, and have many good memories of the school. Home Learning Primary 3 Week 1Download Home Learning Primary 3 Week 2Download Home Learning Primary 3 Week 3Download Home Learning Primary 3 Week 4Download… Skip to content Craiglockhart Primary School Mrs Summers, Playground Supervisor CASC is our after school club open to all pupils from P1 through to P7. Ms Saunders has been part of the Craiglockhart family for nearly 20 years, working throughout the school and, in particular, supporting PE and the promotion of health and sport in the school. We have a custom built nursery on site with places for 20 pupils in morning and 20 afternoon places. Menu. 60 talking about this. Craiglockhart Primary School Nursery Class Day Care of Children Ashley Terrace Edinburgh EH11 1RG Telephone: 0131 337 1407 Inspected by: Frankie Lumsden Type of inspection: Unannounced Inspection completed on: 14 November 2013 . My vision for Craiglockhart has always been firmly based on our three greatest assets: our enthusiastic staff; our supportive parents; and, most importantly, our amazing pupils! 359 Ages. Stephanie Dean Head Teacher . Gracemount Primary School Nursery Class. It is located on the corner of McDonald Road and Leith Walk, and is a category B listed building. Welcome to Craigentinny Primary School! Miss Rojek, PSA This area of the schools work is outlined in the school’s Additional Support for Learning policy. List of schools in Edinburgh is a list of schools in the City of Edinburgh council area of Scotland.It lists schools both within Edinburgh itself, and in outlying villages within the local government boundary. (use of challenge questions and toolkits. The Nursery is registered for 20 children aged three years to school entry and currently there are 19 on the register attending either in the morning or afternoon. Football. Your pupils have to answer questions on Craiglockhart, the First World War and shell shock. George Heriot's School is a Scottish independent primary and secondary school on Lauriston Place in the Old Town of Edinburgh, Scotland.In the early 21st century, it has more than 1600 pupils, 155 teaching staff, and 80 non-teaching staff. Mixed Type. Craiglockhart Primary School Catchment Area, Reviews and Key Information Primary School Guide Rating. h�b```�pf�* �� !�wMw8�*�f8��p�f�˩�6��0CC����߿`�Ya=�T�΃]�s��Q�w�V@X�7p00u40Jt00w40 )e ������ �@�e�� р�@ ���=Hs 1/H�Q���!�=Ep���M���00�^��w( Z�E����N �������.���~ �` N�L1 List of schools in Edinburgh is a list of schools in the City of Edinburgh council area of Scotland.It lists schools both within Edinburgh itself, and in outlying villages within the local government boundary. Craiglockhart Primary School. endstream endobj 693 0 obj <>/Metadata 43 0 R/Pages 690 0 R/StructTreeRoot 73 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 694 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 690 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 695 0 obj <>stream It is divided into Merchiston Juniors (ages 7–13), Middle Years (ages 13–16) and a Sixth Form. The cheapest way to get from Falkirk to Craiglockhart Primary School costs only £5, and the quickest way takes just 31 mins. Craiglockhart Primary School. It must have been good because I would run home at dinner time and be back again 30 minutes later. - To build partnership with parents and to value their contributions. %%EOF Dalbeattie Primary School . The service has written aims which include: - To provide a welcoming, safe, secure and stimulating learning environment. Craiglockhart Primary School. I remember 'Colonel Bogey', and Mr Bain the headmaster and Miss Struthers. Craiglockhart Primary School. Present: , Gareth Oakley (C); Tom Bruce; Tara Hargreaves; Katie Hunter; Seona Skulina Apologies: Andrew Burns; Jenny Climie; Katie Hardie; Derek Law; Mark Taylor 2. Craiglockhart Primary School in March 2011. Primary League Table for Craiglockhart Primary School This page shows the 20 nearest schools to Craiglockhart Primary School, ranked by our unique School Guide Rating Craiglockhart Primary School Nursery Class is a City of Edinburgh Council Education Department pre-school establishment. P5B- Mr Digan Business Manager: Miss Stewart, Nursery- Ms Doran (Early Years Officer) To provide the pupils of Craiglockhart Primary School with a caring, safe, friendly, fun and stimulating environment. (use of challenge questions and toolkits. EH11 1RG. • Parents to be made Head Teacher’s Report Gareth summarised the Head Teacher’s report. Craiglockhart Primary School is a primary school in the Shandon area of Edinburgh. Not Rated. A huge thank you and well done to our brilliant school dinner staff led by our cook Suzanne who served up 250 delicious Christmas Dinners to our lovely children and staff. This site … Get Advice. Get Advice. The Craiglockhart After School Club (CASC) is a parent run club that was set up in 1991 to support parents/carers of the school. 90 Ashley Terrace. P3B- Mrs Hall While these staff are deployed across High Schools they are also able to support Primary Schools. Mr Patterson, Facilities Manager, English as an Additional Language Resources. Please : 1. select from Subject Index below. £ 8.99 – £ 9.50 Ms Kirkpatrick, PSA Craiglockhart Primary School can be accessed via a connecting door at the rear of the building. Head Teacher: Mr Derek Law Dove House School . P5A- Mrs Saunders Craiglockhart Primary School can be accessed via a connecting door at the rear of the building. I represented the school 1st eleven for several years, and have many good memories of the school. Craiglockhart Primary School Navy Fairtrade Cotton/Poly Polo Shirt with School logo. Find the travel option that best suits you. Removing these would mean an earlier return to school although the days would need to be scheduled elsewhere. The ASL Team Leader has also received further training and support from the authority’s coordinator. The school buildings are in the Victorian style of architecture. h�bbd``b`� P7A- Mr Sweet Mrs Latimer- teacher non class contact cover He is assisted by Deputy headteacher Miss Gater and Business Manager Miss Stewart. It was clear that staff … My name is Derek Law and I have had the privilege and pleasure to be the Head Teacher of Craiglockhart Primary School since November 2010. OR: 3. email me if you have any recollections to add to this section. We welcome candidates for an exciting opportunity to become a member of Stage team to teach a P5 class and support our 2020/21 renewal plan for this unprecedented school year when we will be focusing on Health and Wellbeing, Literacy & Numeracy and Outdoor Learning. Ferryhill Primary School Nursery Class. We really hope this helps to ease anxiety for parents, carers and colleagues alike. It must have been good because I would run home at dinner time and be back again 30 minutes later. Craiglockhart Primary School Craiglockhart Parent Council Minutes Meeting held in the school on 6th June 2016 1. Ms Saunders has been a stalwart member of our team … We hope to make it easier for you to find resources which pupils can complete with minimal input, in the event of school closures. The current Headteacher is Derek Law. We are very proud of of our children and staff here at Craigentinny and we hope you will enjoy finding out more about us! Conclusion We concluded that the provider, manager and staff provide very good quality care and support for the children who attend the nursery. P4A- Ms Jollie Craiglockhart staff use the ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ Experiences and Outcomes to plan, implement, assess and evaluate quality learning opportunities for their pupils. Welcome to Craiglockhart Primary school. History. staff approach in language used and the use of restorative practise and all staff are continuing to support our children in developing their resilience. Ms Fitzpatrick EYP Craiglockhart Primary School Craiglockhart Parent Council Minutes Meeting held in the school on 2nd September 2014 1. Welcome to the Craiglockhart After School Club. I loved to play football. P4B- Miss Swainson Mrs Cernicchiaro, PSA Granton Primary School Nursery Class. Mrs Swan, PSA Currently, there are two in-service days (when school staff return but pupils do not) immediately after the end of the summer holidays. Craiglockhart Craiglockhart is a suburb in the south west of Edinburgh, Scotland, lying between Colinton to the south, Morningside to the east Merchiston to the north east and Kingsknowe to the west.

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