nafs bc building code
NAFS changes everything about window and door selection and product testing in Canada, and it’s fair to say that there is currently a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about how NAFS is to be applied to Part 3 (“Commercial”) and Part 9 (“Residential”) buildings in Canada. The grace period for the application of NAFS-08 under Part 9 of the BC Building Code will expire on Dec. 19. What you Need to Know about NAFS in ... - RDH Building Science We need to learn a new language to be able to talk about these things! �L�0, f�gS�(���h0� �������h���� �)��!D���y��e,/�wb�;��y~�ǶwY�X4��+��g�> ������ J�,�Tϝ� ���? They have also been adopted by many federal agencies, such as the National Park Service and the Department of Defense which has led to the codes being enforced in foreign countries as well. How to Obtain a Copy of the 2018 BC Building Code . The allowable rates of air infiltration/exfiltration in Table 9 are much lower for all products, including AW Class products, than they are in Table 8. h��N1@e[���[��&!i+�m*!�eV�좍A���K�z���5�Ǟ�Ǟ3�B+40{�H�-g�w`���d��8��z�ʜ|9�D�nJ2*B�6Q��U�w�۪����`㿗�����,�A�_�d. And lower air and water ratings can result in a lower overall Performance Grade. 2010 NBCC National Building Code of Canada 2012 BCBC British Columbia Building Code 2012 Ontario Building Code (eff. British Columbia Building Code 2018 Division B b) at the top and bottom of every ramp with a slope greater than 1 in 50, c) where a doorway opens onto a stair or ramp, d) where a ramp opens onto a stair, and e) where a stair opens onto a ramp. The unintended consequence is that many U.S. manufacturers do not test water penetration resistance beyond the minimum value, and in my experience, U.S. test labs typically stop testing water penetration once the minimum value is achieved. Confused about NAFS and mullion testing? And NAFS testing reveals an uncomfortable fact: the doors we’ve building and buying for many years did not meet the performance levels the Code expected of the windows installed beside them. Table 9 has two levels of Canadian air infiltration/exfiltration for operable products, while the rates for fixed products. Changes to BC Building Code Requirements for Windows, Doors and Skylights . Stay tuned for more in-depth blog posts on topics related to the NAFS standard and Canadian fenestration issues, and feel free to comment below or ask questions. . Get in touch with us by contacting one of our 9 offices. 1 (CANADIAN SUPPLEMENT TO NAFS-08). Whether you are in Canada or in the United States . Well, they’re not optional for products destined for the Canadian market. NAFS in Part 5 Part 5 of the Code, titled “Environmental Separation”, deals with the design of the building enclosure to ensure it is an effective and durable barrier between indoor spaces and the exterior environment. Then there is the question of products tested to other versions of NAFS. These are must-read documents for Canadian manufacturers too. Crafted with love by Forge and We have landed in a new Code world. The following provincial codes currently require NAFS compliance: As of August 14 2014, the NAFS standard is in effect in all provinces except: For a detailed list of jurisdictions and the dates on which NAFS requirements apply, see Building Code Rumours. They need to know that products tested and certified to the American requirements in NAFS do not automatically comply with Canadian codes. North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS), often referred to as a Harmonised Standard comes into effect for Windows and Doors installed from December 20th 2013 in British Columbia.Windows and doors must be tested and rated for conformance to NAFS 08 and the Canadian Supplement to meet the 2012 BC Building Code for all new construction and renovations that require … On December 11, 2015, new requirements in the BC Building Code (“code”) came into effect for windows, doors and skylights (fenestration products). And in Canada, water test pressures are tested all the way up to 730 Pa (15 psf), and are not capped at 580 Pa (12 psf) as in the U.S. Because the water penetration resistance test pressure is tied to the Performance Grade in the U.S., there is little incentive for American manufacturers to test this property beyond the minimum. In British Columbia, as of December 20, 2013 windows and doors must be tested and rated for conformance to NAFS 08 and the Canadian Supplement NAFS 08 to meet the 2012 BC Building Code. • For all building permits after December 2019, windows, doors, and skylights will be required to conform to NAFS 2011 and the Canadian Supplement 2017. . To address this, the Fenestration Canada organization has published two labeling guideline documents to assist manufacturers, building officials, and certification organizations: A third Fenestration Canada document provides guidance to fenestration manufacturers and their engineers on the use of engineering calculations in conjunction with testing: Recommendation on the Use of Engineering Calculations to Determine Design Pressure Ratings of Fenestration Products under NAFS-08. @� �ݮ . This standard requires doors and windows to meet performance ratings based on certain criteria. 834 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<601812E251B62B4C89BD8283EE618839><500AF3B725A72449969DF823572DB8CB>]/Index[822 22]/Info 821 0 R/Length 81/Prev 585946/Root 823 0 R/Size 844/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream NAFS, as implemented in Canadian building codes, changes everything—not only for Canadian manufacturers, builders, code officials and architects, but also for American manufacturers who may not realize that NAFS in Canada is very different from NAFS in the U.S. (I invite U.S. readers of this blog to read through to the end of this article. . In Canada, water penetration resistance is specified separately from Performance Grade, and is reported in the Secondary Designator on product labels. For the first time, the industry that supplies these products is faced with the requirement to subject their products to stringent lab testing and complicated performance ratings, challenging a business model based on assembling components with more emphasis on appearance or cost than regard to performance. I have spoken with several U.S. manufacturers who were disappointed to find themselves in this situation. The Canadian Supplement CSA A440S1-09 provides simplified methods for determining the Design Wind Pressure and Driving Rain Wind Pressure for buildings anywhere in Canada, situated on level ground. NAFS – 08 North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS), often referred to as a Harmonized Standard came into effect for Windows and Doors installed beginning December 20th 2013 in British Columbia.Windows and doors must be tested and rated for conformance to NAFS 08 and the Canadian Supplement to meet the 2012 BC Building Code for all new construction and renovations that require … endstream endobj startxref 843 0 obj <>stream If you’re an American manufacturer with eyes on the Canadian market, you need to bring up one more subject when you chat with your U.S. test lab: additional tests (such as the insect screen test) and component requirements, and one very significant difference: the definition of water penetration resistance in the Canadian Supplement. Your existing NAFS test reports may not contain enough test data to qualify your products to meet Canadian code requirements.). On July 23, 2019, Vancouver City Council enacted the 2018 BC Building Code (BCBC) with Vancouver-specific additional requirements and revisions. endstream endobj 823 0 obj <>/Metadata 93 0 R/Pages 820 0 R/StructTreeRoot 130 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 824 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 720 540]/Parent 820 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 825 0 obj <>stream The new standard for the National Building Code requires all residential windows and doors to meet the North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS). Al is an industry leader on the application of the NAFS standard in Canada, its use in construction specifications, and the optimization of test programs for manufacturers. © 2021 RDH Building Science. All rights Canadian building codes refer only to the 2008 version of the NAFS standard. Voluntary NAFS Labeling Guidelines for Products with Mullions, Recommendation on the Use of Engineering Calculations to Determine Design Pressure Ratings of Fenestration Products under NAFS-08, AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association, WDMA Window and Door Manufacturers Association (formerly and National Wood Window and Door Association), Performance Grade: PG15 – PG100 (in 18 steps), Air infiltration/exfiltration: A2, A3 or Fixed, Air infiltration/exfiltration: A1, A2, A3 or Fixed, Water penetration resistance: 140 – 730 Pa (in 18 steps), Design pressure: 720 – 4800 Pa (in 18 steps), Applies to most window, door and skylight products. This came into effect in the BC building code on Dec 20th, 2013. Take the case of a sliding sash product, for example. . Alberta, Quebec, and New Brunswick are all working with older codes and standards. Keep up to date with company news, industry related discussions, best practices and much more with our blog. This is a particular challenge to American door manufacturers, as in the U.S. side hinged doors do not need to comply with NAFS-08. How does this affect performance ratings in the Primary Designator? Division BRevision 2.01 British Columbia Building Code 2018 7)Strikeplates for deadbolts described in Sentence (4) shall be fastened a) to wood frames with wood screws that penetrate not less than 30 mm into solid wood, or b) to metal frames with machine screws … The BC Building Code 2018 references the 2011 edition of the North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights (NAFS) and the 2017 edition of the Canadian Supplement to NAFS. To comply with NAFS in Canada, as referenced by Canadian building codes, they must also be tested to the “optional” Canadian requirements in NAFS-08 as well as to those in the Canadian Supplement, and be correctly labeled to show their performance using both Primary and Secondary Designators. h�b```�4f&!�� G#�LX �a������-LZ�TpH8�3�7�M�۩��ѩA�A����� �7K���-�2>9h0��0-�qp/P\�d�P|@�J�U����;g�w�^q����c���@�ɯ1u�����a���������jiV1O�5c"����$�,e�t The Design Wind Pressure determines the required Performance Grade, and the Driving Rain Wind Pressure determines the required level of water penetration resistance, which in coastal areas can be much higher than 15% of Design Pressure, which is how water penetration resistance is rated in the U.S. What does this mean for U.S. manufacturers? Existing test reports from earlier standards (NAFS-05, CSA A440-00) do not contain the necessary data to determine NAFS-08 ratings, and therefore all manufacturers must specifically test their product lines to NAFS-08 to comply with Canadian codes. 2014) 2014 VBBL Vancouver Building Bylaw 2012 I-Codes (United States) Future Alberta and Quebec Building Codes NAFS-08 in Building Codes “A Cross-Canada, and International Standard” 2014 NAFS – 08. As a result, there are separate Canadian and American tables in NAFS for optional performance grades, operating force, force to latch, and air tightness (air infiltration-exfiltration in Canada). Guildford, 15269 – 104th Avenue, Surrey, B.C., discussing upcoming changes to the BC Building Code. It means U.S. NAFS ratings for products that have higher operating forces than shown in Table 6 are not valid in Canada. if you manufacture, specify or sell windows and doors for the Canadian market—NAFS in Canada changes everything. Nunavut: does not have a building code act in place, but any federally funded projects will have to meet the National Building Code of Canada 2010, and NAFS-08 and CSA A440S1-09 requirements. In Canada, air leakage measured in both directions, into and out from windows, for the logical reason that windows are subject to both positive and negative wind pressures, and windows often perform differently under positive pressure than under negative pressure. NAFS overwhelms Canadian manufacturers, architects, and code officials with new concepts, new terminology, and a new rating system. On top of that NAFS covers products that previously were not subject to testing: unit skylights, tubular daylighting devices, and side hinged doors. The BC Building Code does not define the term “site-built”, however NAFS defines a site-built system in the following manner: The intended application of Subsection 9.7.5. is … New Canadian guidelines clear things up for window manufacturers and door prehangers. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08, NAFS— North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors and skylights • Recently adopted for use in the BCBC 2012 • Called the “Harmonized Standard” in the Building Code • In Canada, NAFS-08 must be used in conjunction with the Canadian Supplement - CSA A440S1-09 What is NAFS-08? These changes will come into effect on November 1, 2019 with the release of the 2019 Vancouver Building By-law (VBBL). h�bbd```b``� "k�d �d� �_���Ad�;�:H2�o ����A" 2014) 2014 VBBL Vancouver Building Bylaw 2014 Alberta Building Code Future Quebec Building Code NAFS adoption across Canada Nov 2015 Dec 2016 No more ABC ratings . It means many U.S. products will not have sufficient water penetration resistance to meet code requirements in coastal areas of Canada. Many U.S.-based fenestration manufacturers will find that their NAFS test reports do not contain enough test data to qualify their products for the Canadian market, or to label them using Primary and Secondary Designators. The BC Building Code (BCBC) is a provincial regulation that governs how new construction, building alterations, repairs and demolitions are completed. more info. In much of the country, especially in coastal areas, it needs to be significantly greater than 15% of design pressure (20% in the case of AW products). If the product could achieve a higher water test pressure, say 440 Pa (9.0 psf) or 730 Pa (15.0 psf), there is no way to report this benefit in the Primary Designator. PROBLEM/GENERAL BACK GROUND: The British Columbia Building Code (BCBC) is based substantially on the model National Building Code … 822 0 obj <> endobj Perhaps they assumed that NAFS is NAFS, on both sides of the border. And that’s not all: there are additional Canadian-only performance and labeling requirements in a companion document, CSA A440S1-09, the Canadian Supplement to NAFS-08. New NAFS-related Amendments to the BC Building Code Well, it is now 2016 and last month Code Santa gave British Columbia a NAFS-related present: a significant update to the BC Building Code with considerable changes to address difficulties related to … Architects and builders, not to mention building officials, are still coming to terms with how these changes affect the way they specify, select, and evaluate the performance of these factory build products.. For British Columbia Part 9 buildings of no more than 10 m in height, measured from grade, please click here. There are three significant differences between Canadian and U.S. air leakage measurement in NAFS. Smith. NAFS-08 Table 8 presents the U.S. maximum air leakage rates. This meant that windows, doors and skylights installed before Dec. 20 may conform to the 2006 code or to the 2012 code. This includes all commercial buildings (Part 5) and residential buildings (Part 9) for all new construction and renovations that require a permit. AAMA and WDMA, as sponsors of AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors and skylights (NAFS), have conducted a side-by-side comparison of the testing and specification differences between the 2008, 2011 and 2017 editions of … reserved. As with previous editions, buildings with permits in place under the 2012 BC Building Code will generally not be affected by the adoption of the new code. The changes apply to buildings for which a building permit was applied for on or after that date. And for all products, the maximum force to maintain motion is lower in Table 6 than in Table 7. BC Fire Code With the exception of the AW Class, the maximum air leakage rate for U.S. products is the same for fixed and operable products. The hope was that Canadian and American manufacturers could test once, and have the ratings recognized in both countries. The NBC applies to buildings under federal jurisdiction in Canada, such as military bases, federal government land, first nation reserves and airports. And instead of the familiar ABC ratings, we now talk about Performance Grade, Water Penetration Resistance Test Pressure, and Canadian Air Infiltration/Exfiltration Levels. “Performance grades for windows, doors and skylights shall be selected according to the Canadian Supplement [CSA A440S1-09] . While it is possible that some code jurisdictions will accept NAFS-11 test ratings at some point in time, they will not accept ratings based on NAFS-05. This proved more difficult than anyone could have imagined. If you sell or specify windows and doors in Canada today, you need to know how NAFS is applied under Canadian building codes. Known officially as AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08, NAFS—North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors and skylights, we call it NAFS-08 in Canada because NAFS-11 is not currently recognized by Canadian codes.
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