physical properties of gasoline fuel
2 fuel oil and No. Various oils have been tested in combustion engine. This webpage provides the public with data on gasoline fuel properties and how they have changed over time due to both EPA standards and shifts in market dynamics. The data are reported to EPA for every batch of gasoline produced at the refinery, blended at terminals or imported into to the U.S., and sold in the U.S. They must have good ignition quality, power and efficiency (other than its cost effectiveness and emissions) in order to be an ideal fuel for an engine. 1. Properties. Because of its low density, gasoline floats on water, and so water cannot generally be used to extinguish a gasoline fire unless applied in a fine mist. An official website of the United States government. Finished marketable gasoline is traded (in Europe) with a standard reference of 0.755 kg/L (6.30 lb/US gal), and its price is escalated or de-escalated according to its actual density. toluene, xylene, and sometimes lead. Gasoline is mainly used as an engine fuel in vehicles. Many researchers have looked into the change in these and other properties of isobutanol/ETBE and gasoline blends. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF FUEL OIL Crude petroleum in its raw or unrefined state varies con siderably in character and appearance, according to the locality from which it is obtained. • It has an increased evaporation time. The heat value of Number 1 diesel fuel is 125,500 BTUs per gallon, approximately 10% lower than that of Number 2. We accomplish this by relating fuel properties to fuel chemistry and molecular structure. The main conclusion is that the addition of ETBE or iBtOH has important advantages over EtOH in terms of energy density, air/fuel ratio, vapour pressure, renewable content and other effects; it was also found that the addition of ETBE affects equally and linearly the properties of two kinds of base gasolines as compared with other studies. were calculated as a group based on the presence of a reported value for oxygen that was greater than zero, Starting in 2006, weight-percent oxygen is reported as an average over the entire gasoline pool for each gasoline type/season subcategory, T50 and T90 are not reported starting in 2006 due to incomplete reporting and lack of knowledge of which batches to adjust for ethanol content. A fuel gas/air flame works with a lower temperature (due to the amount of nitrogen in the air). In Section 3, thermophysical properties of … These properties were lowered by multiplying the gasoline parameter by 0.902 – adjusting for only the ethanol portion of the denatured ethanol, Denaturant was assumed to be gasoline or gasoline like, Other adjustments accounted for the non-ideal blending behavior of ethanol, RVP was adjusted using the equation: RVP(E10) = RVP(E0) + 6.2371 * RVP(E0), E200 was adjusted using the equation: E200(E10) = 0.6988 * E200(E0) + 23.182, E300 was adjusted using the equation: E300(E10) = 0.8681* E300(E0) + 12.874, API Gravity was adjusted using the equation: API gravity(E10) = 0.8251* API gravity(E0) +9.5272, The adjustments for RVP, E200, E300 and API gravity were made based on a statistical analysis of the data derived by the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) ethanol blending study, For the results from the batch data presented here, each property value is a volume-weighted average based on the volumes reported for each batch, Weight percent oxygen reporting changed in 2006, Prior to 2006, the weight-percent oxygen average values were calculated only when a weight-percent oxygen value greater than zero was reported. Diesel fuel can be described by its cetane number, which is a measure of ignition quality inversely proportional to the octane number for gasoline. The specific gravity of gasoline is from 0.71 to 0.77, with higher densities having a greater volume of aromatics. Data include certain chemical and physical properties of gasoline from 1999 – 2019. Motor fuel, Motor spirits, Natural gasoline, Petrol [Note: A complex mixture of volatile hydrocarbons (paraffins, cycloparaffins, and aromatics).] Overall a typical petrol sample is predominantly a mixture of paraffins (alkanes), napht… Diesel is composed of about 75% saturated hydrocarbons (primarily paraffins including n, iso, and cycloparaffins), and 25% aromatic hydrocarbons (including naphthalenes and alkylbenzenes). The results are compiled from data provided to EPA by refiners, gasoline blenders and importers to verify compliance with our gasoline fuel quality standards. Conventional gasoline is mostly a blended mixture of more than 200 different hydrocarbon liquids ranging from those containing 4 carbon atoms to those containing 11 or 12 carbon atoms. Its chemical properties make it useful as a fuel or in some cases, as a solvent, making it similar to kerosene. No. Physical properties of gasoline, isobutanol and ETBE binary blends in comparison with gasoline ethanol blends. The analysis and presentation of the gasoline property data is provided by the following two reports: Important notes regarding the data include: If you have questions or request information, please contact the appropriate support or help line found on the Support and Help page. Create your own analysis by exploring the dataset in either the chart or the table below. Theoretical air/fuel ratio: A=14.5 kg air by kg fuel. Investigation the main physical properties of dual alcohol gasoline blend. As a result, fossil-based fuel’s physical and chemical properties, advantages, and disadvantages have been comprehensively explained and compared to each other. For comparison, the heat value of gasoline is 124,500 BTUs per gallon. Vapour pressure. The blends with ETBE or iBtOH have advantages over EtOH in terms of fuel properties. Many fuel gases are composed of hydrocarbons ,hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or mixtures thereof. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Petrol consists of hydrocarbons with between 5 and 12 carbon atoms per molecule but then it is blended for various uses. • Dual alcohol-gasoline blends display an increase in volatility than base gasoline. Diesel fuel oxidizes very slowly upon continued exposure to air. The exact chemical composition of gasoline varies depending on its grade or octane rating, but generally speaking it is a mixture of combustible hydrocarbons. Physical properties: The physical properties of the gasolines are estimating according to its density, which is around 0.708 kg/L. Properties of Fuels (a) Propert y Gaso Dies No.2 el Fuel MethanolEthanol MTBE Propane Compresse Natural Gas d Biodiesel Chemical Formula C4 C 8 to C25 CH3OH (CH3)3COC C3H8 CH4 (83-9 C2H6 (1-1 9%), 3%) H2 C12-C22 FAME Molecular Weight 10 0–105 ~200 32.04 46.07 88 44.1 16.04 ~292(q) Composition, Weight % • It is heavier, thicker and oilier. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. 50..90 kPa at 20 ºC, typically 70 kPa at 20 ºC. We evaluate a broad range of renewable gasoline and diesel fuels ranging from currently available ethanol and biodiesel to future products such as dimethyl furan and hydrotreated biomass pyrolysis oils. We calculated the most relevant blends’ parameters for EN 228 and ASTM D4814. Clear liquid with a characteristic odor. The data are reported to EPA for every batch of gasoline produced at the refinery, blended at terminals or imported into to the U.S., and sold in the U.S. does not include the gasoline sold in California. There are several differences between the properties of gasoline and diesel fuel, for example: • Diesel requires less refining. Commercial alcohol, due to its water2 content will not mix with gasoline in small … The addition of renewable fuels to gasoline, such as bio-alcohols or bio-ethers is required in order to be in compliance with current environmental directives. On the other hand, by keeping the same RON and physical properties, the effect of sensitivity on GCI is investigated. Octane number (RON)=92..98. The addition of ETBE affects fuel-standards compliance less than iBtOH and EtOH. 1-GT gas turbine fuel oil, Jet A aviation turbine fuel, and kerosene, the product specifically sold for use in lamps and stoves, are similar to We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Fuel gas is any one of a number of fuels that under ordinary conditions are gaseous. Heating value. Most of the gasoline that petroleum refineries produce is actually unfinished gasoline (or gasoline blendstocks). Specific Gravity API at 60°F 68.6 58.5 Octane Number i 61.5 55.5. E200 and E300 data is complete, As in any dataset of this magnitude, there are errors in reporting, even after a significant quality control effort by EPA to find and fix perceived errors or omissions, If a property value was found to be questionable when assembling this data, we omitted the data from the analysis to avoid potentially biasing the data set, The volume of omitted data represented a very negligible fraction of the entire data set. Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. Chemical and physical properties of gasoline U nlike methanol and DME, gasoline is a complex mixture, one comprising over 500 straight-chain and branched-chain hydrocarbons containing from five to 12 carbons each. How the gasoline is made determines which chemicals are present in the gasoline mixture and how much of each is present. 2. This is a measure … Density can vary a lot according to the components of the mixture, for example, gasoline with higher concentration of aromatic, is denser. Determination of the Potential Property Ranges of Mid-Level Ethanol Blends, American Petroleum Institute; April 23, 2010. The typical composition of gasoline hydrocarbons (% volume) is as follows: 4-8% alkanes; 2-5% alkenes; 25-40% isoalkanes; 3-7% cycloalkanes; l-4% cycloalkenes; and 20-50% total aromatics (0.5-2.5% benzene) (IARC 1989). Gasoline is a fuel made from crude oil and other petroleum liquids. For example, No. United States Environmental Protection Agency, You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. Quality control of gasoline production in each case will ensure that, so to speak, the car’s engine will totally unaware of differences in origin of fuel it receives. The higher the heat value of the fuel, the more power the engine can generate, therefore consuming less fuel to do the same amount of work. Average Eurosuper values are: HHV=45.7 MJ/kg, LHV=42.9 MJ/kg. In this regard, three test fuels such as RON 70 gasoline (S=0.7), PRF 70 (S=0) and RON 70 gasoline (S=7) are chosen in the present study. This paper studies the impact of ethanol (EtOH), isobutanol (iBtOH) or ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) on the Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP), distillation curves, density and other related gasoline properties, which belong to the group of relevant specifications that affect engine operation. See EPA’s, (268 pp, 35.9 MB, EPA420-R08-002, January 2008), (123 pp, 2.15 MB, EPA-420-R-17-005, October 2017), Fuel Trends Report: Gasoline 1995 – 2005 (PDF), Fuel Trends Report: Gasoline 2006 – 2016 (PDF), Fuels Registration, Reporting & Compliance Home. Kerosene is a low viscosity, clear liquid formed from hydrocarbons obtained from the fractional distillation of petroleum between 150 and 275 °C (300 and 525 °F), resulting in a mixture with a density of 0.78–0.81 g/cm 3 (0.45–0.47 oz/cu in) composed of carbon chains that typically contain between 10 and 16 carbon atoms per molecule. Blended fuels were obtained with isobutanol contents of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 vol % with pure gasoline fuel. It has an initial boiling point at atmospheric pressure of about 35 °C (95 °F) and a final boiling point of about 200 °C (395 °F). The fuel property data are reported to EPA for batches of gasoline produced at refineries or imported into the U.S. Petroleum refineries and blending facilities produce motor gasoline for sale at retail gasoline fueling stations. Chemical formulae for gasoline range between C6H14 and C12H26, with a good “average” compound being C8H18. The heating effect on the surface work piece is lowered and thoroughly heating the work piece can be achieved with both fuel … ), and therefore the gaseous emissions, the mechanical performance or the reliability of the engine . respectively. This data set represents the most accurate and comprehensive set of data available for gasoline quality in the U.S. In this section, the data on thermophysical fuel properties are generalized: metallic (uranium, plutonium, and thorium) and ceramic (uranium dioxide, mixed oxide fuel MOX, uranium nitride and carbide). Therefore, the gasoline and diesel engine running is dominantly affected by the octane and cetane numbers, respectively. Characteristics and Properties of Fuels Fuels are any material that store potential energy in forms, which upon burning in oxygen liberates heat energy. Fuel properties 3 . Additives and blending agents are added to the hydrocarbon Petroleum is a very complex mixture of organic compounds which are chiefly hydrocarbons, that is, compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon. This Web page provides the public with estimated average retail gasoline fuel properties and how they have been trending over time due to, The data presented here is collected by EPA from. See: The gasoline properties after 2005 were adjusted to account for the downstream blending of ethanol to better indicate the gasoline properties at retail. We measured density, RVP and distillation curves for iBtOH/ETBE–gasoline blends. The mixture is easily adjustable at all flame stages. and selected types of fuel. The 1995 through 2005 data was already posted based on a previous report, The batch data are reported as measured at the refinery/importer, not at the retail station, so we have adjusted the results to approximate actual retail fuel properties, as described under the tab “How the data was adjusted and reported,” to account for the downstream blending of ethanol, Because most of the data is reported from refineries and the gasoline market served by each refinery is uncertain and variable, we cannot use this data to make conclusions about the gasoline properties in any specific retail market at any specific point in time, Other data exists which also characterizes gasoline properties, Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) Survey is conducted every year and reported to EPA, This is a large retail survey that collects data on a range of fuel properties for thousands of fuel samples collected each year from retail stations in RFG areas across the country, However, it is limited to only gasoline samples collected from RFG areas, not conventional gasoline areas, Retail surveys by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers (AAM) and the previous fuel surveys by TRW, These are spot surveys sampling a small fraction of all the gasoline sold at retail for a couple points in time per year, The data shows how gasoline properties have changed due to the implementation of EPA fuel quality standards over time as well as changes in the marketplace, Relative to the 1990 baseline gasoline properties (provided in the charts) the RFG program caused a reduction in RVP, sulfur, benzene, aromatics, T50 and T90, while causing an increase in the use of oxygenates, Tier 2 sulfur standards and the beginning of Tier 3 sulfur standards, Tier 2 Phased-in over the period from 2004 to 2006, although the averaging, banking and trading provisions provided an incentive for refiners to begin reducing their gasoline sulfur prior to 2004, and some small refiner exemptions continued until 2011, Tier 2 caused average gasoline sulfur to decrease from about 260 parts per million (ppm) down to about 30 ppm, Tier 3 took effect January 1, 2017, although to take advantage of early credits, refiners had already been reducing sulfur levels in 2014 and 2015, Tier 3 has already caused the average gasoline sulfur level to drop below 30 ppm in 2014 and 2015, and it is expected to continue to steadily decline to 10 ppm by 2020, Associated effects of gasoline desulfurization, Under the RFG program, lower sulfur gasoline allows refiners to increase RVP while maintaining the same overall environmental performance, This, along with the reduction in the number of low-RVP and RFG areas, has caused summertime RVP levels to increase slightly over time, MSAT2 benzene reduction provisions began in 2011, although refiners began to reduce their gasoline benzene levels in 2007 to generate early credits, Caused the average benzene levels in conventional gasoline to decrease from about 1.15 volume percent to about 0.60 volume percent, The MSAT2 program caused conventional gasoline benzene levels to decrease to nearly the same benzene levels as reformulated gasoline, Began in 2006 and has resulted in the blending of much more ethanol into the gasoline pool, such that nearly all gasoline contained 10 volume percent ethanol by 2013, Due to the use of ethanol, the weight percent of oxygen has increased substantially in gasoline, Ethanol, with its high octane value has also allowed a significant reduction in the aromatic content of the gasoline, Other direct effects of blending in ethanol are described under the tab “How the data was adjusted and reported”, Initially, the RFG program resulted in RFG having very different fuel properties compared to conventional gasoline - the implementation of the subsequent fuel programs has caused conventional gasoline and RFG to be very similar in fuel properties, The primary difference now between RFG and conventional gasoline is that, during the summer, RFG has much lower RVP than most of conventional gasoline, The marketplace has also caused changes in fuel quality, As is evident by API gravity and E300 values, gasoline has been becoming “lighter” over time as heavier hydrocarbons previously blended into the gasoline pool by refineries have been shifted into the distillate pool to meet the rising demand for these products, The increased blending of ethanol also played a role in this change in API gravity and E300, RFG is reported as blended with ethanol, while conventional gasoline (CG) typically is not, Adjustments were necessary to the CG pool so that the gasoline fuel properties represent CG sold at retail, Adjustments were made to the CG data from year 2006 and later, not to the CG data 2005 and earlier, because there was little ethanol use in CG prior to 2006, The increase in ethanol use in 2006 is associated with the sudden end to the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), Batches reported to EPA as conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending (CBOB) were adjusted assuming that denatured ethanol was blended into CBOB at 10 volume percent, The volume of ethanol blended into the rest of the CG pool is estimated, The volume of ethanol blended into the RFG and CBOB pools was totaled and compared to the total volume of ethanol blended into the gasoline pool as reported by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) in each year, The difference was assumed to be blended into the CG pool, The volume of gasoline reported was increased to include the volume of ethanol blended downstream of the refinery, How the adjustments were made to account for the addition of ethanol, Sulfur, olefins, aromatics and benzene were adjusted assuming that they were reduced by simple dilution. The properties of these gasolines were as follows:, Gasoline A Gasoline B Specific gravity at 60°F .707 .745. Some petroleum products have similar, but not identical, physical properties and specifications. • Dual alcohol-gasoline blend reduces volatility severity of single methanol blending. Gasoline specifications impose controls on the physical and performance properties of gasoline's constituents. Calorific value of fuel is the total quantity of heat liberated when a unit mass or volume of fuel is completely burnt. 2-GT gas turbine fuel oil are similar to No. All Properties; Chemical Structure Fuel Material (feedstocks) Gasoline or Diesel Gallon Equivalent (GGE or DGE) Energy Comparison Energy Content (lower heating value) Energy Content (higher heating value) Physical … 2-D diesel fuel. The data shows how gasoline properties have changed due to the implementation of EPA fuel quality standards over time as well as changes in the marketplace. • Higher octane rating can be reached by proper formulations of ternary gasoline blend. Nevertheless, the use of these biofuels changes some important fuel properties (RVP, distillation curve, oxygen content, etc. This octane rating describes the quality of the fuel, and the value is based off the ratios of two compounds in the gasoline - specifically iso-octane, a compound with the same chemical formula as octane but with a slightly different structure and properties, and normal hept… The average chemical formula for common diesel fuel is C12H23, ranging from approx. The physical and chemical properties of isobutanol‐gasoline blends were investigated using test methods from standards and codes or calculation. • It can be compressed more. The ‘gasoline substitutes’ of interest in this chapter are methanol and ethanol. Gasoline is a fuel produced by refining crude oil and is a mixture of hundreds of individual hydrocarbons. [. Gasoline or petrol is a fuel, derived from petroleum crude oil, for use in spark-ignited internal combustion engines. References: Nevertheless, they change fuel properties which could affect standards compliance, engine performance and air emissions. See: Summaries of the gasoline property data for the years 1995 through 2016 are summarized under the tabs: Although these figures are calculated from data drawn from compliance reports submitted by refiners, the figures here do not represent actual compliance information used to determine whether any specific regulatory party has satisfied their statutory and regulatory requirements. Fuel gas properties. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. C10H20 to C15H28. A high temperature fuel gas/oxygen flame produces a quick increase of temperature on the surface of the work piece. Gasoline blendstocks require blending with other liquids to make finished motor gasoline, which meets the basic requirements for fuel that is suitable for use in spark ign… Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Such gases are sources of potential heat energy or light energy that can be readily transmitted and distributed through pipes from the point of origin directly to the place of consumption. Chemical Properties Comparison Property Gasoline Denatured Fuel Ethanol Flash Point - 45 0 F - 5 0 F Auto Ignition Temp 530 - 853 0 F 709 0 F Specific Gravity 0.72 – 0.76 0.79 Vapor Density 3 - 4 1.5 Vapor Pressure 8 - 15psi ~3psi Boiling Point 100 - 400 0 F 165 - 175 0 F Flammable Range 1.4% - 7.6% 3% - 19% Smoke Characteristics Black Slight The Physical Property fields include properties such as vapor pressure and boiling point, as well as explosive limits and toxic exposure thresholds The information in CAMEO Chemicals comes from a variety of data sources. All weight-percent oxygenate values (Ethanol, MTBE, TAME, etc.) The actual composition varies with the source of the crude petroleum, the manufacturer, and the time of …
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