the inquisition book 1
The prior of the abbey at nearby Carcassonne suspects the disease to be of demonic origin, so he summons notorious inquisitor Nicholas Eymerich to investigate the case. Particularly for no particular reason," and is downright vicious when offered a well-meaning glass of lemonade. Puzzles cover inventory-based quests and figuring out cryptic patterns and locks. On occasion, however, like during a particular fracas with a monk, the sound loses sync with the onscreen action. Walkthrough: The Inquisitor: Book 1 - The Plague NOTES - Left click any part of the screen to move Eymerich to that point. Übersicht Systemanforderungen. Einkaufs- wagen Einkaufswagen Info beim Hersteller Hinweis Downloadversion, kein Datenträger Ein eiserner Wille, ein Herz aus Stein, ein messerscharfer Verstand und eine profunde Weisheit. 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In 1231, Pope Gregory charged the Dominican and Franciscan Orders to take over the job of trac… A strong English voice cast, led by the exceptional performance of Daniel Richards as the brusque, overbearing Eymerich, lends further credence to the screenplay. In an elegant move, the game chooses not to have a continuous background soundtrack. Poor design also mars some of the puzzles: an area with multiple minigames to be solved in a certain order is confusing due to its candlelit top-down perspective, and Eymerich can get physically stuck in a corner, requiring you to reload the game. Clever use of light and shadows, detailed facial expressions, well-written and nicely voiced dialogues, and a steady pace of revelations create a palpable sense of something wrong beneath the all-pervading veneer of sanctimony, and will keep you engaged till the cliffhanger-ish end. Play a remorseless character to live an original story inspired by the famous novel of Valerio Evangelisti. Barring a few typos, the written text is adeptly translated from its native Italian, with no awkward sentences, and the dialogues flow smoothly. Spieletipps-Community. More demons, epic battles, and fights to the death: introducing the unmissable next installment in the Summoner Series... On trial for a crime he did not commit, Fletchermust face the Inquisition who will decide his future - the process is grueling, led by those who will do anything to see him suffer and haunted by ghosts from the past with clues to Fletcher's tragic origins. The cliff-hanger at the end of Book 1 left Fletcher, after a successful year at Vocans, the school for Demonology, i suddenly confronted by his past flight life which started his adventures. Another nightmare is a lengthy psychedelic dream quest that not only takes the wind out of your sails with its slow, boring pace, but also assaults you with blinding flashes of light, an ill-suited electronica track, and a distorted voiceover. Darunter Tipps, Cheats, Trailer, Screenshots und News. While it's true that Eymerich didn't have an instruction manual to unveil the abbey's secrets either, in a game such experimentation borders on tedium. var n=k[k.length-1],p=h[n],q=p?p:function(b){var c;if(null==this)throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype.repeat must not be null or undefined");c=this+"";if(0>b||1342177279>>=1)c+=c;return a};q!=p&&null!=q&&g(h,n,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:q});var t=this; The theme music, which plays during watershed moments, uses heavy guitar riffs and beat-based drums, and works surprising well with the medieval backdrop. Arthur Versluis unveils the connections between heretic hunting in early and medieval Christianity, and the emergence of totalitarianism in the twentieth century. Subtitled The Plague, this opening installment is an erudite, nuanced and unapologetically cruel start to a grim, socio-religious mystery, and despite many minor gameplay nitpicks that tarnish its appeal, it is a sincere, ambitiously crafted game that achieves its core objective of creating interest in the ongoing series. Updates. Uns ist das Genre des Spiels nicht bekannt. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. First “book” of The Inquisitor open now on PC, next week on Mac and mobiles. Some animations, like movements of hands while speaking, are oddly languorous, as if the people are underwater. Hier gibt es alle Infos. Tall, bony and middle-aged, he is arrogant, impatient and indiscriminately rude towards anyone who offends his finely-honed sensibilities, be it other monks, guards, servants, ladies, and even the wheezing, manipulative prior, Abbot Vinet. The reason was not explained. The quietness suits the somber abbey, and allows sound effects like the ordinary noises of the monks going about their business and the incessant rain at Calcares to strengthen the sense of immersion. Share this product. CHF 5.10. It does well to pique your interest in the case of the demonic plague of Calcares, and engages you strongly enough to develop definitive opinions about the religious aspects and the people involved. In terms of plotline, The Inquisitor: Book 1 - The Plague is a potent first episode for a series based on a complex, history-driven story and a controversial, even offensive, protagonist. He frequently refuses tasks with snide putdowns like, "I hate touching things. But the playing experience is hampered by a litany of nitpicks: objects are described in plain white text at the base of the screen, which is frequently lost amidst the background art; some hotspots are extremely small or placed right next to others, and in the absence of a hotspot revealer, require sweeping each screen with the mouse to detect; the inventory must be clicked to open and items then clicked to bring up usage options, requiring a third click to use them; and areas, objects and even alternate viewing perspectives of existing places become accesible without notice, making you repeatedly revisit previous scenes scouting for such changes. $1.99 Buy. A host of divine weapons to fight Evil and heresy. 28-mar-2013 - The new adventure game from Microïds is available on PC. Though well-inserted into the plot and extremely detailed visually, these are usually solved by trial and error due to insufficient clues. Many of Eymerich's actions are shown in detail, like when he drags a dead body around or places a torch in its holder, but item combinations are done with his back to the screen and lip sync only sort of matches the spoken dialogues. Eymerich jots his objectives in an omnipresent journal and recites them aloud ad nauseam when kept idle. July 2013 . Nicolas Eymerich: The Inquisitor: Book 1: The Plague is a point-and-click game. While the locations are illustrated with realism and often intensely coloured, particularly using vivid red and the warmth of firelight, the abbey is a dreary place, and after a while it starts to drag you down. He was called from Avignon by Father Vinet, head of Holy Inquisition. Beschreibung. - Some conversations offer dialogue options. Reason for summon: Corridor: Look around. The opening volume introduces a compelling anti-hero and complex medieval mystery, though a rash of minor ailments mars the experience somewhat. Verfügbar auf. "),d=t;a[0]in d||!d.execScript||d.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===c?d[e]?d=d[e]:d=d[e]={}:d[e]=c};function v(b){var c=b.length;if(0=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.i&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(B())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),c=!0);C=a;if(c){d=b.h;b=b.j;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f= Also deserving mention is a sadistic quest to find an unmarked object amidst a massive collection of similar unmarked objects – in flickering firelight. 1364: Nicolas Eymerich arrives in Carcassone. While some may be collected right away, others must be fetched only when the need arises. 10 Nov, 2009. Zuletzt aktualisiert am 26.02.2021 The term "Inquisition" comes from the Medieval Latin word inquisitio, which referred to any court process that was based on Roman law, which had gradually come back into use during the Late Middle Ages. There aren't too many locations either: set almost entirely at the abbey except for a brief segment at Calcares at the end, Eymerich shuttles via long corridors between Vinet's office, a cluttered kitchen, a tiny library, a dreary courtyard, his miniscule room and a couple of secret chambers. Uns ist das Genre des Spiels nicht bekannt. One of the strongest points of the game is its crisp, no-nonsense script, which explains the lengthy history of the Crusades and the plague crisis with impressive brevity. function u(b,c){var a=b.split(". Konto und Listen Konto Warenrücksendungen und Bestellungen. SKU: 119761879 Categories: Adventure, game. Continuing the little annoyances, unfortunately, the journal always opens on the first page instead of the latest one. Du hast ein Problem mit The Inquisitor - Book 1 - The Plague oder kommst einfach an einer - Depending on the object, you can LOOK AT and/or USE / OPEN / TALK to it. Fanatical in his devotion to the Church, he considers the calculated, gruesome murders of those he condemns as heretics his duty, to the extent of even enjoying the process. TIconBLU Add to Wishlist. A solemn ambience is created by the interplay of shadow and light, from sunlight streaming in through windows to torches weakly lighting dank hallways, and viewing angles change often during conversations, with zoom-ins and pans reflecting a movie-like style. It's the classic point, click, and watch your guy move. Produkte im Vergleich. The full game is available in Latin as well, as you can choose to have Latin voices and/or subtitles, and it's quite the novelty to listen to that. The game walks a constant tightrope with his characterisation, balancing each shocking negative trait with an impressive positive one, and thereby gives us one of the most offensive, intriguing, and perversely likeable protagonists of all time. 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