south cambs local plan
Proposed Submission Local Plan – July 2013 4. The new Local Plan is the most important document you’ve (probably) never heard of. September 2015 regarding Cambridge Local Plan and South Cambridgeshire Local Plan: Update on Progress of Further Work Cambridge City Council & South Cambridgeshire District Council 2015 X X RD/GEN/250 Y Letter from the Programme Officer dated 9 October 2015 relating to the full objectively assessed need for housing and further representations. “Over 7,000 comments were received during the latest round of consultation – if we decide the Plan is ready to be submitted to government, these will be considered by an independent planning inspector.”. South Cambridgeshire District Council have granted planning permission for over 4,300 dwellings since the Waterbeach Appeal in 2014. The Councils’ suggested spatial approach and preferred sites will be put forward for full public consultation next year. 10 February 2021. content of this Local Plan. Cllr Katie Thornburrow, Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Open Spaces at Cambridge City Council, said: “We are carefully considering all of the feedback and we look forward to being able to share more updates in the emerging Local Plan process in due course.”, Cllr Dr. Tumi Hawkins, Lead Cabinet Member for Planning at South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “The whole purpose of creating a Local Plan is so that the homes that we do need can be built in a planned, balanced way, according to the policies and guidance we establish through the Local Plan process.”. The South Cambs Local Plan 2018 was due to be formally adopted on 27th September at a Council meeting. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan sets out the planning policies and land allocations to guide the future development of the district up to 2031. They approved the Local Plan:-A plan to deliver 22,000 jobs and 19,500 new homes by 2031 in South Cambridgeshire has thus been given final approval. In South Cambridgeshire’s last local plan process, the results of the call for sites were published in 2011. Unfortunately, tenants aren't able to join due to social distancing. They will also help to inform the proposed joint Local Plan. “Frankly, it is disgraceful that they are deliberately scaring local residents simply to gain political advantage at the upcoming local elections. New Local Plan for Cambridge and South Cambs. The plan will cover the period to 2031. During the creation of South Cambridgeshire’s last Local Plan, for example, about 400 sites were put forward and only 10 per cent were actually chosen to be developed. Election results website. In South Cambs. Later this autumn, the Councils are planning to publish a report on some initial findings of key evidence, including scenarios for the jobs and homes to be planned for, and for strategic spatial options. 22nd September 2020. W While our local economy has thrived in recent years, not everyone has been able to... Local News; Reactions to SCDC Local Plan … All representations made during the consultations can be viewed online at During the creation of South Cambridgeshire’s last Local Plan, around 400 sites were put forward and approximately 10 percent were actually chosen to be developed. See our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for details. Tweet; Monday, 3 February, 2014. A report published today, 3 February, recommends South Cambridgeshire District Council’s draft Local Plan – which would see a new village at Bourn Airfield, a major extension to Cambourne and a new town built north of Waterbeach – is ready to be submitted for independent examination. Since the planning departments from Cambridge City and South Cambs merged, now called Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, there is an obligation to produce a single Local Plan for the area. Affordable housing in South Cambs is a key priority for local Conservatives. "Our economy makes the District one of the fastest growing in the country, so high quality and well-connected homes are much needed to continue our success. Together the Cambridge Local Plan (October 2018) and Adopted Policies Map (October 2018) replace the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 'Saved' Policies and Adopted Cambridge Proposals Map (October 2009). © 2021 The UK Innovation Corridor. This is a shared service for South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council. Cambridge corridor transport plans. The ‘First Conversation’ took place in January and February and was a key step in the process of developing the new Local Plan, which will be the first joint Local Plan between Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils. South Cambs and Cambridge City Local Plans are found sound The South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City Local Plans have been found 'sound' by the Planning Inspectorate subject to a number of modifications, almost four and a half years since being submitted … The district has an ageing population, with growth of 95% forecast between 2001 and 2021. It was formed on 1 April 1974 by the merger of Chesterton Rural District and South Cambridgeshire Rural District.It completely surrounds the city of Cambridge, which is administered separately from the district by Cambridge City Council. We are in the process of migrating our planning website content over to this website. In South Cambridgeshire’s last local plan process, the results of the call for sites were published in 2011. July 2020. It updates and replaces the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework which was adopted between January 2007 and January 2010 and covered the period up to 2016. Council officers have also suggested retaining proposals which would see 900 homes built in six of the district’s larger villages which have the best services and public transport links. For example, out of the suggested ‘big themes’, an overwhelming majority of respondents felt that climate change should be the top priority. The proposed policies cover where affordable houses should be situated, the cost, and build-to-rent homes. 1.2 The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan, once adopted, will set out the proposals for future development to 2031 and replace the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework which was adopted between January 2007 and January 2010. Responses to the consultation show that local communities care deeply about climate change, transport and other big issues, and their comments will help shape the strategic direction of the Plan. Site assessments cover a wide range of issues. Finally! SCDC adopted the latest Local Plan 2018 at its Council meeting yesterday afternoon. This is the Proposed Submission Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire (hereafter referred to as the Draft Local Plan). "We’ve received equal and opposing views, which we recognise are strongly felt, but the task we now have is to weigh all those factors up to decide whether the Plan is sound, deliverable and will maintain the high quality of life we enjoy in the area. All rights reserved. The Councils will now be developing the spatial strategy for the Plan. The Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) identifies a requirement of over 11,800 affordable homes in the district up to 2031 to meet need. The Committee is a partnership of Boston Borough, South Holland District and Lincolnshire County Councils who are working together to plan the future of South Holland District and Boston Borough. The responses include suggestions of sites for development and for green spaces across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, sent in by landowners, developers, communities and others. These will be tested against the overarching themes of climate change, biodiversity and green spaces, wellbeing and social inclusion, and great places. Transport Strategy for East Cambridgeshire. 16,103 hectares of land was suggested for potential development, enough for around 170,000-200,000 homes. The Fenland Local Plan (May 2014), the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan and 'made' Neighbourhood Plans, comprise Fenland's Development Plan. Consultation on the Main Modifications for the Local Plan following Independent Examination began on the 30th of September 2019 and closed on the 11th of November 2019. The Cambridge Independent’s coverage of the key development proposals put forward in the call for sites process for the latest Local Plan. The Councils will now be developing the spatial strategy for the Plan. At the meeting on 11 February, Cllr Pippa Corney, the Council’s cabinet member for planning policy and localism, will assess whether views given during the latest consultation have raised new issues which will need to be consulted on again or whether the Plan is ready for submission. 2.3.2 We believe the Local Plan vision will help make Fenland an even better place to live, work and visit. Conservative South Cambs MP Anthony Browne said: “I am extremely concerned about the impact of yet another enormous development on the character of South Cambridgeshire. The Liberal Democrats - who voted against the Local Plan in 2014 - now have 30 seats while the Conservatives have been reduced to 11. Submission of Local Plan to Secretary of State – March 2014 1.4 The Local Plan will include planning policies and land allocations that guide the development and use of land in South Cambridgeshire. Your local District and County Councillors. Collectively, they set out policies that the Council uses to make decisions on planning applications. It updates and replaces the South Cambridgeshire Local Development Framework which was adopted between January 2007 and January 2010 and covered the period up to 2016. Copyright 2021 South Cambridgeshire Conservatives. On 27 September 2018, the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted and the Adopted Policies Map was agreed for publication.. Background. Our community and the Parish Council were largely successful during this process and as a result: These include impact on the local landscape and townscape, neighbouring land uses, water supply, transport and roads. 18 Council officers estimate that over the plan period it will be viable for 35% of all new housing to be delivered in affordable units in Cambridge and 30% in South Cambridgeshire. Read more about the Greater Cambridge Local Plan. The ousting of so many Conservative councillors - many of whom voted to keep Bourn Airfield in the Local Plan - could be very good news for the campaign. South Cambridgeshire, in many ways, has been a victim of its own success. South Kesteven District Council has now published the proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan and supporting Policies Maps. South Cambridgeshire is a mostly rural local government district of Cambridgeshire, England, with a population of 148,755 at the 2011 census. T 03450 450 500. 3,100 of these planning consents are on '5 year housing land supply sites' that are NOT in the Submission Draft South Cambridgeshire Local Plan. Overview 2.1 Site Description and Context 2.2 Ownership 3. F 01954 713 149. The responses include suggestions of sites for development and for green spaces across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, sent in by landowners, developers, communities and others. Joint Local Plan for Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire 2019-2023. The examinations commenced on 4 November 2014. South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036 Regulation 22 (1) (c) (v) Statement of Consultation – see above. A free event to provide an opportunity for you to input into the new Joint Local Plan for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. Environmental Constraints 5.1 Flood Risk 5.2 Biodiversity The next public consultation stage will be the Preferred Options public consultation, planned for Autumn 2021. We are in the process of migrating our planning website content over to this website. Cambridgeshire, a total of 15,975 homes over the plan period. Local Transport Plan (LTP) Cambridge City and South Cambs Transport Strategy. 2.3 Local Plan Vision 2.3.1 The Local Plan vision for Fenland looks to maximise the potential of the area and deliver jobs, skills, dynamic town centres, vibrant villages, improved housing, and new infrastructure. Part 2 - South Cambridgeshire Further Site Options. Sustainability Appraisal and consultation are legal requirements of plan making. South Cambridgeshire District Council and the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service have published the results of their ‘First Conversation’ local plan consultation that took place earlier in 2020. The Planning Inspectors wrote to the … This is far more than the 5,000 to 30,000 extra homes that the Councils say, under initial estimates, the new Plan may need to accommodate (on top of the development already allocated in the existing Local Plans). The report by Jo Mills, the Council’s director of planning policy and new communities, said comments raised during the consultation, along with the Council’s legal responsibility to prepare a plan to meet the long term needs of the District, had been taken into account to ensure it is best for the area as a whole. A partnership between Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, the University of Cambridge and the Business Board of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority to support continued growth of the Greater Cambridge area. South Cambs Local Plan proposals under consideration at SCDC. “I have said many times that South Cambridgeshire welcomes sustainable development – but this is not it. The plots on Linton Road and on the corner of the High Street and Pampisford Road in Great Abington could see 47 homes built with a further six homes at Bancroft Farm, Church Lane, Little Abington. After an unprecedentedly long time (over four years) the South Cambs Local Plan has finally been passed by the Inspector and formally adopted by South Cambs District Council. Great and Little Abington Parish Councils requested three small sites to include market and affordable housing. The 5,000 new homes proposed in the draft plan are in addition to 14,000 homes already committed to in locations such as on the edge of Cambridge and at the new town of Northstowe. The ‘First Conversation’ took place in January and February and was a key step in the process of developing the new Local Plan, which will be the first joint Local Plan between Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils. The Councils’ suggested spatial approach and preferred sites will be put forward for full public consultation next year. This is the Proposed Submission Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire (hereafter referred to as the Draft Local Plan). County Council List of all councillors. Council is invited to consider and comment on the Issues and Options Consultation Report Response to Issues & Options Questions 5. On this basis, if total housing development is in line with the OAN South Cambridgeshire will receive Collectively, they set out policies that the Council uses to make decisions on planning applications. by Susan van de Ven on 3 October, 2018. South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036 Regulation 22 (1) (c) (i)-(iv) Statement of Consultation – demonstrates how consultation was undertaken on the Local Plan, & how this complied with requirements. Posted on 1st August 2019 1st August 2019 by swaveseypc. It will affect how we live, work and play in Greater Cambridge over the next 20 years and beyond. The Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC) was adopted by Cambridgeshire County Council on 4 March 2014 and ensures that local councils plan together for sustainable growth and continued economic prosperity in the area. Be absolutely clear: it is the Lib Dem-controlled South Cambs District Council that holds the power to stop Thakehams’ plans. Scam Warning: fake contractors ... With this in mind we have established a four-phased return to works plan: ... Due to Covid19 we will have trained tenant volunteers to go out with your local estate officers. Lee Myall, CEO at Kao Data, takes us through the project to create the UK's most powerful super computer. Cllr Pippa Corney, said: “We know it is unrealistic to expect to prepare a plan that has complete consensus, but we have been listening to all views throughout this long process of consultation. All Rights Reserved. Introduction 1.1 Brief 2. Conformity to National Planning Policy Framework 4. Long Term Transport Strategy. During two earlier rounds of public consultation in 2012 and 2013, over 30,000 responses were received to help shape the draft plans put forward. The independent Inspectors appointed to examine the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans have written their Final Reports, published on Monday 3 September 2018.
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